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Go提供几种方法检查变量的类型,在字符串格式化标识%T, 反射方式:reflect.TypeOf, reflect.ValueOf.Kind,另外还有使用类型断言,switch case方式。下面通过实例分别介绍这四类方法。
%T 格式化标识
import ( "fmt" ) func main() { var count int = 42 var message string = "go find type" var isCheck bool = true var amount float32 = 10.2 fmt.Printf("variable count=%v is of type %T \n", count, count) fmt.Printf("variable message='%v' is of type %T \n", message, message) fmt.Printf("variable isCheck='%v' is of type %T \n", isCheck, isCheck) fmt.Printf("variable amount=%v is of type %T \n", amount, amount) } //OutPut variable count=42 is of type int variable message='go find type' is of type string variable isCheck='true' is of type bool variable amount=10.2 is of type float32
fmt.Printf("%v", reflect.TypeOf(10)) //int fmt.Printf("%v", reflect.TypeOf("Go Language")) //string
package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) func main() { var days int = 42 var typemessage string = "go find type" var isFound bool = false var objectValue float32 = 10.2 fmt.Printf("variable days=%v is of type %v \n", days, reflect.TypeOf(days)) fmt.Printf("variable typemessage='%v' is of type %v \n", typemessage, reflect.TypeOf(typemessage)) fmt.Printf("variable isFound='%v' is of type %v \n", isFound, reflect.TypeOf(isFound)) fmt.Printf("variable objectValue=%v is of type %v \n", objectValue, reflect.TypeOf(objectValue)) } //OUTPUT variable days=42 is of type int variable typemessage='go find type' is of type string variable isCheck='false' is of type bool variable amount=10.2 is of type float32 variable acounts=Savings is of type string
同样使用ValueOf().Kind()也可以获得变量的类型。 reflect.ValueOf()返回基于传入的变量初始化新值,然后进一步通过Kind方法获得变量类型:
package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) func main() { var days int = 42 var typemessage string = "go find type" var isFound bool = false var objectValue float32 = 10.2 fmt.Printf("variable days=%v is of type %v \n", days, reflect.ValueOf(days).Kind()) fmt.Printf("variable typemessage='%v' is of type %v \n", typemessage, reflect.ValueOf(typemessage).Kind()) fmt.Printf("variable isFound='%v' is of type %v \n", isFound, reflect.ValueOf(isFound).Kind()) fmt.Printf("variable objectValue=%v is of type %v \n", objectValue, reflect.ValueOf(objectValue).Kind()) } //OUTPUT variable days=42 is of type int variable typemessage='go find type' is of type string variable isCheck='false' is of type bool variable objectValue=10.2 is of type float32
func typeofObject(variable interface{}) string { switch variable.(type) { case int: return "int" case float32: return "float32" case bool: return "boolean" case string: return "string" default: return "unknown" } } fmt.Println("Using type assertions") fmt.Println(typeofObject(count)) fmt.Println(typeofObject(message)) fmt.Println(typeofObject(isCheck)) fmt.Println(typeofObject(amount)) //OUTPUT Using type assertions int string boolean float64
// Using %T func typeofObject(variable interface{}) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%T", variable) } // Using reflect.TypeOf() func typeofObject(variable interface{}) string { return reflect.TypeOf(variable).String() } // Using reflect.ValueOf().Kind() func typeofObject(variable interface{}) string { return reflect.ValueOf(variable).Kind().String() }
fmt.Println(typeofObject(count)) fmt.Println(typeofObject(message)) fmt.Println(typeofObject(isCheck)) fmt.Println(typeofObject(amount)) //OUTPUT Using type assertions int string boolean float64
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