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在特定情况下,采用 Go 继承的最佳实践方式是什么?


时间:2024-03-10 18:30:27 484浏览 收藏

IT行业相对于一般传统行业,发展更新速度更快,一旦停止了学习,很快就会被行业所淘汰。所以我们需要踏踏实实的不断学习,精进自己的技术,尤其是初学者。今天golang学习网给大家整理了《在特定情况下,采用 Go 继承的最佳实践方式是什么?》,聊聊,我们一起来看看吧!




type areacalculator interface {
  area() int

type rectangle struct {
    color  string
    width  int
    height int

type (r *rectangle) area() int {
   return r.width * r.height

type circle struct {
    color    string
    diameter int

type (c *circle) area() int {
   return r.diameter / 2 * r.diameter / 2 * π

type canvas struct {
    children []areacalculator

func (c *canvas) string() {
    for child := range c.children {
        fmt.println("area of child with color ", child.color, " ", child.area())

这个例子显然无法编译,因为虽然 canvas 的 string() 方法可以调用 c.area(),但它无法访问 c.color,因为无法确保实现 areacalculator 的结构具有该属性。


type areacalculator interface {
  area() int
  color() string

type rectangle struct {
    color  string
    width  int
    height int

type (r *rectangle) color() string {
   return r.color

type (r *rectangle) area() int {
   return r.width * r.height

type circle struct {
    color    string
    diameter int

type (c *circle) area() int {
   return r.diameter / 2 * r.diameter / 2 * π
type (c *circle) color() string {
   return c.color

type canvas struct {
    children []areacalculator

func (c *canvas) string() {
    for child := range c.children {
        fmt.println("area of child with color ", child.color(), " ", child.area())


type Shape struct {
    Area func() int 
    color string
    diameter int
    width int
    height int

func NewCircle() Shape {
    // Shape initialisation to represent a Circle. Setting Area func here

func NewRectangle() Shape {
    // Shape initialisation to represent a Rectangle. Setting Area func here

type Canvas struct {
    children []Shape

func (c *Canvas) String() {
    for child := range c.children {
        fmt.Println("Area of child with color", child.color, " ", child.Area())



一个重要的起点是你不应该模仿 go 中的继承。 go 没有继承。它有接口并且有嵌入。他们没有忘记包括继承; it's intentionally not part of the language.go 鼓励组合。

您的 canvas 需要的不仅仅是 areacalculator。它需要提供颜色的东西。你需要表达这一点。例如,您可以这样做:

type drawableshape interface {
  color() string

然后您将为 rectanglecircle 实现 color()

func (r rectangle) color() string {
  return r.color

func (c circle) color() string {
  return c.color

children 将是 []drawableshape

children []drawableshape

这将留下类似 this 的内容(基于 mohammad nasirifar 的代码构建)。

package main

import (

type areacalculator interface {
    area() int

type drawableshape interface {
  color() string

type rectangle struct {
    color  string
    width  int
    height int

func (r rectangle) area() int {
    return r.width * r.height

func (r rectangle) color() string {
  return r.color

type circle struct {
    color    string
    diameter int

func (c circle) area() int {
    area := math.round(float64(c.diameter*c.diameter) * math.pi / float64(4))
    return int(area)

func (c circle) color() string {
  return c.color

type canvas struct {
    children []drawableshape

func (c canvas) string() string {
    lines := make([]string, 0)
    for _, child := range c.children {
        lines = append(lines, fmt.sprintf("area of child with color %s %d", child.color(), child.area()))
    return strings.join(lines, "\n")

func main() {
    circle := &circle{color: "red", diameter: 2}
    rect := &rectangle{color: "blue", width: 3, height: 4}

    canvas := &canvas{
        children: []drawableshape{circle, rect},



另请注意,string() 必须返回字符串,而不是写入 stdout

package main

import (

type AreaCalculator interface {
    Area() int

type Rectangle struct {
    color  string
    width  int
    height int

func (r *Rectangle) Area() int {
    return r.width * r.height

func (r *Rectangle) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("I'm a rectangle %d", r.width)

type Circle struct {
    color    string
    diameter int

func (c *Circle) Area() int {
    area := math.Round(float64(c.diameter*c.diameter) * math.Pi / float64(4))
    return int(area)

func (c *Circle) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("I'm a circle: %d", c.diameter)

type Canvas struct {
    children []AreaCalculator

func (c *Canvas) String() string {
    lines := make([]string, 0)
    for _, child := range c.children {
        lines = append(lines, child.String())
    return strings.Join(lines, "\n")

func main() {
    circle := &Circle{color: "red", diameter: 2}
    rect := &Rectangle{color: "blue", width: 3, height: 4}

    canvas := &Canvas{
        children: []AreaCalculator{circle, rect},


好了,本文到此结束,带大家了解了《在特定情况下,采用 Go 继承的最佳实践方式是什么?》,希望本文对你有所帮助!关注golang学习网公众号,给大家分享更多Golang知识!

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