自定义构建的 JSON 模式无法正确验证
时间:2024-03-17 15:45:31 475浏览 收藏
在自定义构建的 JSON 架构验证中遇到问题,发现它无法正确检测所有字段。即使指定了必需字段和长度限制,它也无法验证这些要求。附加属性的验证也无效。尝试使用 gojsonschema 库,但验证结果不符合预期。提供了自定义架构和 JSON 数据的示例,以说明问题。
我有一个自定义构建的 json 架构,它只有几个顶层。这里的问题是它不能 100% 验证所有内容。例如,它只检测 4 个字段中的 2 个,并且必需的字段根本不起作用,附加属性等也不起作用。我正在将此库用于我的 json 架构。
{ "users": { "put": { "definitions": {}, "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "$id": "http://example.com/root.json", "type": "object", "title": "the root schema", "required": [ "displayname", "username", "email", "password" ], "properties": { "displayname": { "$id": "#/properties/displayname", "type": "string", "title": "the displayname schema", "default": "", "examples": [ "" ], "minlength": 3, "maxlength": 24, "pattern": "^(.*)$" }, "username": { "$id": "#/properties/username", "type": "string", "title": "the username schema", "default": "", "examples": [ "" ], "minlength": 3, "maxlength": 15, "pattern": "^(.*)$" }, "email": { "$id": "#/properties/email", "type": "string", "title": "the email schema", "default": "", "examples": [ "" ], "minlength": 7, "pattern": "^(.*)$", "format": "email" }, "password": { "$id": "#/properties/password", "type": "string", "title": "the password schema", "default": "", "examples": [ "" ], "pattern": "^(.*)$" } }, "additionalproperties": false } } }
func validate(data interface{}, r *http.request) (interface{}, error) { // convert the data struct to a readable json bytes jsonparams, err := json.marshal(data) if err != nil { return nil, err } // split url segments so we know what part of the api they are accessing modules := strings.split(r.url.string(), "/") modules = modules[(len(modules) - 1):] // read the schema file fileschema, _ := ioutil.readfile("config/schema/schema.json") var object interface{} // unmarshal it so we can choose what schema we specifically want err = json.unmarshal(fileschema, &object) if err != nil { log.fatal(err) } // choose the preferred schema encodedjson, err := json.marshal(object.(map[string]interface{})[strings.join(modules, "") + "s"].(map[string]interface{})[r.method]) if err != nil { log.fatal(err) } // load the json schema schema := gojsonschema.newstringloader(string(encodedjson)) // load the json params document := gojsonschema.newstringloader(string(jsonparams)) // validate the document result, err := gojsonschema.validate(schema, document) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !result.valid() { // map the errors into a new array var errors = make(map[string]string) for _, err := range result.errors() { errors[err.field()] = err.description() } // convert the array to an interface that we can convert to json resultmap := map[string]interface{}{ "success": false, "result": map[string]interface{}{}, "errors": errors, } // convert the interface to a json object errorobject, err := json.marshal(resultmap) if err != nil { return nil, err } return errorobject, nil } return nil, nil } type createparams struct { displayname string username string email string password string } var ( response interface{} status int = 0 ) func create(w http.responsewriter, r *http.request) { status = 0 // parse the request so we can access the query parameters r.parseform() // assign them to the interface variables data := &createparams{ displayname: r.form.get("displayname"), username: r.form.get("username"), email: r.form.get("email"), password: r.form.get("password"), } // validate the json data errors, err := schema.validate(data, r) if err != nil { responsejson := map[string]interface{}{ "success": false, "result": map[string]interface{}{}, } log.fatal(err.error()) response, err = json.marshal(responsejson) status = http.statusinternalservererror } // catch any errors generated by the validator and assign them to the response interface if errors != nil { response = errors status = http.statusbadrequest } // status has not been set yet, so it's safe to assume that everything went fine if status == 0 { responsejson := map[string]interface{}{ "success": true, "result": map[string]interface{} { "displayname": data.displayname, "username": data.username, "email": data.email, "password": nil, }, } response, err = json.marshal(responsejson) status = http.statusok } // we are going to respond with json, so set the appropriate header w.header().set("content-type", "application/json") // write the header and the response w.writeheader(status) w.write(response.([]byte)) }
我这样做的原因是我正在构建一个 rest api,如果 api/auth/user
收到 put 请求,我希望能够专门为“用户”指定数据要求使用 put 方法零件。
编辑: 我的 json 数据:
{ "displayname": "1234", "username": "1234", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "123456" }
编辑2: 此数据应该因架构而失败。
{ "DisplayName": "1", // min length is 3 "Username": "", // this field is required but is empty here "Email": "testgmail.com", // not following the email format "Password": "123456111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" // too long }
如果我使用 gojsonschema
手动加载架构和数据,它会按预期工作。我怀疑,由于您以某种复杂的方式加载模式,因此您输入的模式最终会与您期望的有所不同,但由于您的代码示例都是基于 HTTP 的,所以我无法真正亲自测试它.
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