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本文探讨了利用 Go 通道和工作组模式模拟 CDN 服务器工作人员的问题。代码中存在一个死锁问题,因为 goroutine 正在等待从通道读取,而没有剩余的 goroutine 可以写入。为了解决这个问题,作者建议在完成写入后关闭通道,并添加一个 waitgroup 来等待特定 goroutine 完成。通过这种方法,可以确保所有 goroutine 在继续之前完成各自的任务,从而避免死锁。
尝试使用 go 通道和工作组模式来模拟 cdn 服务器工作人员。
func main() { var wg sync.waitgroup filejobs := make(chan string) compress := make(chan compressionstatus) upload := make(chan uploadresult) // get list of files to distribute from a text file. this is usually 1-1.5 gb, just filenames go listfiles("/users/rverma/go/src/github.com/dsa/gopher/images.txt", filejobs) go listfiles("/users/rverma/go/src/github.com/dsa/gopher/videos.txt", filejobs) go compressfile(filejobs, compress) go compressfile(filejobs, compress) go compressfile(filejobs, compress) go compressfile(filejobs, compress) go compressfile(filejobs, compress) go compressfile(filejobs, compress) wg.add(3) go uploadtoall(compress, upload, &wg) go uploadtoall(compress, upload, &wg) go uploadtoall(compress, upload, &wg) wg.wait() close(filejobs) close(compress) close(upload) } func listfiles(filename string, c chan<- string) { file, err := os.openfile(filename, os.o_rdonly, os.modeperm) if err != nil { panic("file not found") } defer file.close() r := bufio.newscanner(file) for r.scan() { c <- r.text() } } type compressionstatus struct { file string compressed string status bool } func compressfile(filejob <-chan string, out chan<- compressionstatus) { for filename := range filejob { fmt.printf("compressing %s\n", filename) fib(25) // calculate fibonnaci number, keep cpu busy fmt.printf("compressed %s\n", filename) out <- compressionstatus{ file: filename, compressed: filename + ".compressed", status: true, } } } func uploadtoall(comressedfile <-chan compressionstatus, result chan<- uploadresult, wg *sync.waitgroup) { for filename := range comressedfile { go func() { result <- us(filename.compressed) }() go func() { result <- ind(filename.compressed) }() } wg.done() } type uploadresult string type uploadserver func(region string) uploadresult var ( us = fileuploader("us") ind = fileuploader("ind") ) // can't change construct func fileuploader(region string) uploadserver { sleep := time.millisecond * 500 if region == "ind" { sleep *= 4 } return func(filename string) uploadresult { fmt.printf("uploading %s to server %s\n", filename, region) time.sleep(sleep) fmt.printf("upload %s completed to server %s\n", filename, region) return uploadresult(region) } }
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock! goroutine 1 [semacquire]: sync.runtime_Semacquire(0xc00009a004) /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.13.3/libexec/src/runtime/sema.go:56 +0x42 sync.(*WaitGroup).Wait(0xc00009a004) /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.13.3/libexec/src/sync/waitgroup.go:130 +0x64 main.main() /**/file_compressor.go:34 +0x2e1 goroutine 20 [chan receive]: main.compressFile(0xc000074060, 0xc0000740c0) /**/file_compressor.go:75 +0x230 created by main.main /**/file_compressor.go:22 +0x13e
有点困惑解决这个问题的最佳方法是什么。 另外,这应该在 8 核机器上运行,我添加了 6 个 go 工作线程进行压缩,作为其 cpu 密集型进程。想知道我们是否可以优化它或使代码更简洁。
正在等待从 filejob
读取,但没有剩余的 goroutines 可以写入它。 uploadtoall
也在等待 compressedfile
,但这不会发生,所以 wg.done
不会被调用。因此,主 goroutine 也在等待 wg.wait
。这意味着,所有 goroutine 都在等待某些东西,但没有一个 goroutine 取得进展,因此陷入僵局。
处理此问题的一种方法是在完成写入后关闭通道。这将终止从通道读取的 for 循环。由于您从多个 goroutine 写入同一个通道,因此您并不真正知道何时完成。您可以为 listfiles
goroutine 添加一个新的 waitgroup,并等待这两个 goroutine 完成,然后关闭通道。 compress
和 uploadall
wglist.add(2) go func() { wglist.wait() close(filejobs) }() go listfiles(&wglist,...) ...
func listFiles(wgList *sync.WaitGroup,...) { defer wgList.Done() ... }
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