浅谈golang fasthttp踩坑经验
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本篇文章向大家介绍《浅谈golang fasthttp踩坑经验》,主要包括fasthttp、踩坑,具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友可以参考一下。
从错误原因看是因为连接被占满导致的。进入服务A的容器中(服务A和服务B都是通过docker启动的),通过netstat -anlp查看,发现有大量的tpc连接,处于ESTABLISH。我们采用的是长连接的方式,此时心里非常疑惑:1. fasthttp是能够复用连接的,为什么还会有如此多的TCP连接,2.为什么这些连接不能够使用了,出现上述异常,原因是什么?
f.Client.DoTimeout(req, resp, f.ExecTimeout),其中f.Client是一个fasthttp.HostClient,f.ExecTimeout设置的是5s。
func (c *HostClient) doNonNilReqResp(req *Request, resp *Response) (bool, error) { if req == nil { panic("BUG: req cannot be nil") } if resp == nil { panic("BUG: resp cannot be nil") } atomic.StoreUint32(&c.lastUseTime, uint32(time.Now().Unix()-startTimeUnix)) // Free up resources occupied by response before sending the request, // so the GC may reclaim these resources (e.g. response body). resp.Reset() // If we detected a redirect to another schema if req.schemaUpdate { c.IsTLS = bytes.Equal(req.URI().Scheme(), strHTTPS) c.Addr = addMissingPort(string(req.Host()), c.IsTLS) c.addrIdx = 0 c.addrs = nil req.schemaUpdate = false req.SetConnectionClose() } cc, err := c.acquireConn() if err != nil { return false, err } conn := cc.c resp.parseNetConn(conn) if c.WriteTimeout > 0 { // Set Deadline every time, since golang has fixed the performance issue // See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/15133#issuecomment-271571395 for details currentTime := time.Now() if err = conn.SetWriteDeadline(currentTime.Add(c.WriteTimeout)); err != nil { c.closeConn(cc) return true, err } } resetConnection := false if c.MaxConnDuration > 0 && time.Since(cc.createdTime) > c.MaxConnDuration && !req.ConnectionClose() { req.SetConnectionClose() resetConnection = true } userAgentOld := req.Header.UserAgent() if len(userAgentOld) == 0 { req.Header.userAgent = c.getClientName() } bw := c.acquireWriter(conn) err = req.Write(bw) if resetConnection { req.Header.ResetConnectionClose() } if err == nil { err = bw.Flush() } if err != nil { c.releaseWriter(bw) c.closeConn(cc) return true, err } c.releaseWriter(bw) if c.ReadTimeout > 0 { // Set Deadline every time, since golang has fixed the performance issue // See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/15133#issuecomment-271571395 for details currentTime := time.Now() if err = conn.SetReadDeadline(currentTime.Add(c.ReadTimeout)); err != nil { c.closeConn(cc) return true, err } } if !req.Header.IsGet() && req.Header.IsHead() { resp.SkipBody = true } if c.DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing { resp.Header.DisableNormalizing() } br := c.acquireReader(conn) if err = resp.ReadLimitBody(br, c.MaxResponseBodySize); err != nil { c.releaseReader(br) c.closeConn(cc) // Don't retry in case of ErrBodyTooLarge since we will just get the same again. retry := err != ErrBodyTooLarge return retry, err } c.releaseReader(br) if resetConnection || req.ConnectionClose() || resp.ConnectionClose() { c.closeConn(cc) } else { c.releaseConn(cc) } return false, err }
func (c *HostClient) acquireConn() (*clientConn, error) { var cc *clientConn createConn := false startCleaner := false var n int c.connsLock.Lock() n = len(c.conns) if n == 0 { maxConns := c.MaxConns if maxConns其中ErrNoFreeConns 即为errors.New("no free connections available to host"),该错误就是我们服务中出现的错误。那原因很明显就是因为!createConn,即无法创建新的连接,为什么无法创建新的连接,是因为连接数已经达到了maxConns =DefaultMaxConnsPerHost = 512(默认值)。连接数达到最大值了,但是为什么连接没有回收也没有复用,从这块看,还是没有看出来。又仔细的查了一下业务代码,发现很多服务A到服务B的请求,都是因为超时了而结束的,即达到了f.ExecTimeout = 5s。
func clientDoDeadline(req *Request, resp *Response, deadline time.Time, c clientDoer) error { timeout := -time.Since(deadline) if timeout我们看到,请求的超时时间是如何处理的。当我的请求超时后,主流程直接返回了超时错误,而此时,goroutine里面还在等待请求的返回,而偏偏B服务,由于一些情况会抛出异常,也就是没有对这个请求进行返回,从而导致这个链接一直未得到释放,终于解答了为什么有大量的连接一直被占有从而导致无连接可用的情况。
// DoTimeout performs the given request and waits for response during // the given timeout duration. // // Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including // scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI. // // The function doesn't follow redirects. Use Get* for following redirects. // // Response is ignored if resp is nil. // // ErrTimeout is returned if the response wasn't returned during // the given timeout. // // ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all HostClient.MaxConns connections // to the host are busy. // // It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest // and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code. // // Warning: DoTimeout does not terminate the request itself. The request will // continue in the background and the response will be discarded. // If requests take too long and the connection pool gets filled up please // try setting a ReadTimeout. func (c *HostClient) DoTimeout(req *Request, resp *Response, timeout time.Duration) error { return clientDoTimeout(req, resp, timeout, c) }人家这个方法的注释早就说明了,看最后一段注释,大意就是超时之后,请求依然会继续等待返回值,只是返回值会被丢弃,如果请求时间太长,会把连接池占满,正好是我们遇到的问题。为了解决,需要设置ReadTimeout字段,这个字段的我个人理解的意思就是当请求发出之后,达到ReadTimeout时间还没有得到返回值,客户端就会把连接断开(释放)。
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