Docker 容器中 Golang 可执行文件为什么会在启动后立即挂起?
时间:2024-03-25 20:42:37 489浏览 收藏
在 Docker 容器中,使用 Golang 构建的可执行文件在启动后立即挂起的原因通常是由于以下原因: * 可执行文件没有显式打印换行符,导致缓冲区不刷新。 * 可执行文件在容器内部进行网络请求时使用了不正确的 URL,因为它指向的是本地主机,而不是运行容器的主机。
我目前正在 macos 上使用 golang 开发一个小型应用程序,它在本地运行得很好。
我从头开始制作的 dockerfile 制作了一个 docker 映像。
我的问题是,当容器启动时,它会无限期地挂起,docker 不会绑定端口,但我仍然可以进入容器内部。
/go/src/app # ps pid user time command 1 root 0:00 ./main 13 root 0:00 sh 23 root 0:00 ps
这是我的 docker-compose:
version: "3.3" services: dns: build: context: . ports: - "53:53"
这是我的 dokerfile
from golang:alpine run apk add git workdir /go/src/app copy . . run go get -d -v run go build main.go run chmod +x main expose 53/udp expose 53/tcp cmd ["./main"]
来自 docker 尝试启动容器的日志:
building dns step 1/10 : from golang:alpine ---> 813e7bfc1890 step 2/10 : run apk add git ---> using cache ---> b796ecde3d09 step 3/10 : workdir /go/src/app ---> using cache ---> cf5226146d6c step 4/10 : copy . . ---> e5fd26e9ade8 step 5/10 : run go get -d -v ---> running in ac4c1fe7dd41 (download) (download) (download) (download) (download) (download) (download) get "": found meta tag get.metaimport{prefix:"", vcs:"git", reporoot:""} at // (download) (download) get "": found meta tag get.metaimport{prefix:"", vcs:"git", reporoot:""} at // get "": verifying non-authoritative meta tag (download) get "": found meta tag get.metaimport{prefix:"", vcs:"git", reporoot:""} at // get "": verifying non-authoritative meta tag (download) get "": found meta tag get.metaimport{prefix:"", vcs:"git", reporoot:""} at // get "": verifying non-authoritative meta tag (download) get "": found meta tag get.metaimport{prefix:"", vcs:"git", reporoot:""} at // get "": verifying non-authoritative meta tag removing intermediate container ac4c1fe7dd41 ---> b9d7f7dfbd1a step 6/10 : run cgo_enabled=0 go build main.go ---> running in f1e34c2b4ff5 removing intermediate container f1e34c2b4ff5 ---> 948947d5834f step 7/10 : run chmod +x main ---> running in f747d80c1784 removing intermediate container f747d80c1784 ---> 48d77cb64ede step 8/10 : expose 53/udp ---> running in 154f55021335 removing intermediate container 154f55021335 ---> 43fec258b5b7 step 9/10 : expose 53/tcp ---> running in 793767d87201 removing intermediate container 793767d87201 ---> 5304e6d90c07 step 10/10 : cmd ["./main"] ---> running in 0d6644f390d2 removing intermediate container 0d6644f390d2 ---> 7fc32c2c2e27 successfully built 7fc32c2c2e27 successfully tagged lighthouse_dns:latest recreating lighthouse_dns_1 ... done attaching to lighthouse_dns_1
它永远挂在“正在连接到 lighthouse_dns_1”。
docker exec -it <container id> /bin/sh /go/src/app# ./main
. └── project ├── main.go └── vendor └── services ├── dns.go └── request.go
package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "services" ) func main() { dnsport :="port", 53, "exposed running port") flag.parse() fmt.print("starting server") dnsservice := services.service{ port: *dnsport, accesskey: "hot-dog", } dnsservice.launch() }
package services import ( "log" "net" "strconv" "" ) type u struct { accesskey string } // servedns ... func (service *u) servedns(w dns.responsewriter, r *dns.msg) { sdk := internalsdk{} msg := dns.msg{} msg.setreply(r) switch r.question[0].qtype { case dns.typea: msg.authoritative = true domain := msg.question[0].name records, getdomainserror := sdk.getdomainrecordsbytype(domain, dns.typea) if getdomainserror == nil { for _, record := range records { msg.answer = append(msg.answer, &dns.a{ hdr: dns.rr_header{name: domain, rrtype: record.type, class: record.class, ttl: record.ttl}, a: net.parseip(, }) } } else { // todo: log error } } w.writemsg(&msg) } type service struct { port int accesskey string } // launchdnsservice ... func (service *service) launch() { // make a new response chan srv := &dns.server{addr: ":" + strconv.itoa(service.port), net: "udp"} srv.handler = &u{} if err := srv.listenandserve(); err != nil { log.fatalf("failed to set udp listener %s\n", err.error()) } }
package services import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "strings" "time" "" ) type InternalSDK struct { Timeout uint Host string Port uint32 AccessKey string } type DomainRecord struct { Domain string `json:"domain"` Type uint16 `json:"type"` Class uint16 `json:"class"` TTL uint32 `json:"ttl"` Data string `json:"data"` } // New ... // GetDomainInformations ... func (call *InternalSDK) GetDomainRecordsByType(domain string, entryType uint16) ([]DomainRecord, error) { // Use the clients GET method to create and execute the request url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:3000/dns/domain/%s/type/%d", strings.TrimSuffix(domain, "."), entryType) timeout := 1000 * time.Millisecond client := httpclient.NewClient(httpclient.WithHTTPTimeout(timeout)) // Use the clients GET method to create and execute the request headers := http.Header{} headers.Add("hug", "hh") res, err := client.Get(url, headers) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Heimdall returns the standard *http.Response object body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) var domainRecord []DomainRecord json.Unmarshal([]byte(string(body)), &domainRecord) return domainRecord, nil }
我将其部署在自己的环境中,并且服务器已启动并侦听端口 53:
removing intermediate container 9ca44a8e9e1c ---> 50ac6085b9d6 step 10/10 : cmd ["./main"] ---> running in f031cb3bb632 removing intermediate container f031cb3bb632 ---> 61f8a889d84d successfully built 61f8a889d84d successfully tagged test-64451146:latest recreating 64451146_dns_1 ... done $ docker run -it --rm --net container:64451146_dns_1 nicolaka/netshoot bash bash-5.0# ss -lnu state recv-q send-q local address:port peer address:port unconn 0 0* unconn 0 0 *:53 *:*
我可以用 nslookup 命中它并挖掘并接收响应。我怀疑您的问题是因为您没有看到 starting server
fmt.print("starting server\n")
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:3000/dns/domain/%s/type/%d", strings.TrimSuffix(domain, "."), entryType)
在容器内部,localhost是容器,而不是运行容器的主机。网络在 docker 中是命名空间的,类似于文件系统和 pid 的命名空间。这就是为什么我使用上面的 --net container:
语法来运行具有相同命名空间的第二个容器并查看侦听端口。因此,您需要将 url 更改为可以从容器内部访问的内容,如果这取决于您运行它的位置,那么我经常将其作为变量(cli arg 或环境变量)从容器外部注入,而不是将其硬编码到程序中。
理论要掌握,实操不能落!以上关于《Docker 容器中 Golang 可执行文件为什么会在启动后立即挂起?》的详细介绍,大家都掌握了吧!如果想要继续提升自己的能力,那么就来关注golang学习网公众号吧!
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