如何使用 docker-compose 运行 golang-migrate?
时间:2024-04-19 10:00:34 355浏览 收藏
小伙伴们有没有觉得学习Golang很有意思?有意思就对了!今天就给大家带来《如何使用 docker-compose 运行 golang-migrate?》,以下内容将会涉及到,若是在学习中对其中部分知识点有疑问,或许看了本文就能帮到你!
在 golang-migrate 的文档中,指出您可以运行此命令来在一个文件夹中运行所有迁移。
docker run -v {{ migration dir }}:/migrations --network host migrate/migrate -path=/migrations/ -database postgres://localhost:5432/database up 2
您将如何执行此操作以适应新 docker-compose 的语法,该语法不鼓励使用 --network
将其添加到您的 docker-compose.yml
db: image: postgres networks: new: aliases: - database environment: postgres_db: mydbname postgres_user: mydbuser postgres_password: mydbpwd ports: - "5432" migrate: image: migrate/migrate networks: - new volumes: - .:/migrations command: ["-path", "/migrations", "-database", "postgres://mydbuser:mydbpwd@database:5432/mydbname?sslmode=disable", "up", "3"] links: - db networks: new:
您不使用 docker run
的 --network host
选项,而是设置一个名为 new
的网络。该网络内的所有服务都可以通过定义的别名相互访问(在上面的示例中,您可以通过 database
别名访问数据库服务)。然后,您可以使用该别名,就像使用 localhost
一样,即代替 ip 地址。这解释了这个连接字符串:
从 compose 文件格式版本 2 开始,您无需设置网络。
如 docker networking documentation 中所述,默认情况下,compose 会为您的应用设置单个网络。服务的每个容器都会加入默认网络,并且可以被该网络上的其他容器访问,并且可以通过与容器名称相同的主机名被它们发现。
version: '3.8' services: #note this databaseservice name is what we will use instead #of localhost when using migrate as compose assigns #the service name as host #for example if we had another container in the same compose #that wnated to access this service port 2000 we would have written # databaseservicename:2000 databaseservicename: image: postgres:13.3-alpine restart: always ports: - "5432" environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password POSTGRES_USER: username POSTGRES_DB: database volumes: - pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data #if we had another container that wanted to access migrate container at let say #port 1000 #and it's in the same compose file we would have written migrate:1000 migrate: image: migrate/migrate depends_on: - databaseservicename volumes: - path/to/you/migration/folder/in/local/computer:/database # here instead of localhost as the host we use databaseservicename as that is the name we gave to the postgres service command: [ "-path", "/database", "-database", "postgres://databaseusername:databasepassword@databaseservicename:5432/database?sslmode=disable", "up" ] volumes: pgdata:
以上就是《如何使用 docker-compose 运行 golang-migrate?》的详细内容,更多关于的资料请关注golang学习网公众号!
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