时间:2024-04-19 13:18:33 215浏览 收藏
在 golang 后端中,我想为多个客户端提供一个值,我们称之为分数。分数随时间变化,其计算速度较慢。计算不依赖于先前的结果。当没有客户时我根本不想计算它。因此,计算应该仅根据请求进行。但还有一个事实——分数在 5 秒内不能改变。所以我尝试了不同的方法,但一切都有其缺点:
- 在没有客户的情况下进行昂贵的计算:
var score interface{} // run in a separate goroutine func calculatescoreperiodically() { for{ select{ case <-time.after(5*time.second): score = calculatescoreexpensiveandslow() } } } func servescore(w http.responsewriter, r* http.request) { b, _ := json.marshal(score) w.write(b) }
- 在很长的计算时间内阻止所有客户端(但实际上可能只是向他们提供旧数据)。并且您不能将
移出互斥体,因为这样多个客户端可能会同时进入计算块,并且不会在 5 秒间隔内进行计算,而是按顺序进行计算:
var ( score interface{} mutex sync.Mutex updatedAt time.Time ) func getCachedScore() float64 { mutex.Lock() defer mutex.Unlock() currentTime := time.Now() if currentTime.Sub(updatedAt) < 5*time.Second { return score } updatedAt = currentTime score = calculateScoreExpensiveAndSlow() return score } func serveScore(w http.ResponseWriter, r* http.Request) { b, _ := json.Marshal(getCachedScore()) w.Write(b) }
ps。我认为这是一个普遍问题,也是一个模式 - 它有一个特殊的名称吗?正确答案
可能有多种解决方案。一个简单的解决方案是指定一个 goroutine 进行计算,您可以通过在通道上发送值来向其发出需要重新计算的信号。发送可能是非阻塞的,因此如果正在进行计算,则不会发生任何事情。
type cache struct { mu sync.rwmutex value interface{} updated time.time calcch chan struct{} expiration time.duration } func newcache(calc func() interface{}, expiration time.duration) *cache { c := &cache{ value: calc(), updated: time.now(), calcch: make(chan struct{}), } go func() { for range c.calcch { v := calc() c.mu.lock() c.value, c.updated = v, time.now() c.mu.unlock() } }() return c } func (c *cache) get() (value interface{}, updated time.time) { c.mu.rlock() value, updated = c.value, c.updated c.mu.runlock() if time.since(updated) > c.expiration { // trigger a new calculation (will happen in another goroutine). // do non-blocking send, if a calculation is in progress, // this will have no effect select { case c.calcch <- struct{}{}: default: } } return } func (c *cache) stop() { close(c.calcch) }
func getcachedscore() interface{} { // ... } var scorecache = newcache(getcachedscore, 5*time.second) func servescore(w http.responsewriter, r* http.request) { score, _ := scorecache.get() b, _ := json.marshal(score) w.write(b) }
这是我实现的,与 icza 的答案相关,但还有更多功能:
package common import ( "context" "sync/atomic" "time" ) type ( CachedUpdater func() interface{} ChanStruct chan struct{} ) type Cached struct { value atomic.Value // holds the cached value's interface{} updatedAt atomic.Value // holds time.Time, time when last update sequence was started at updatePeriod time.Duration // controls minimal anount of time between updates needUpdate ChanStruct } //cachedUpdater is a user-provided function with long expensive calculation, that gets current state func MakeCached(ctx context.Context, updatePeriod time.Duration, cachedUpdater CachedUpdater) *Cached { v := &Cached{ updatePeriod: updatePeriod, needUpdate: make(ChanStruct), } //v.updatedAt.Store(time.Time{}) // "was never updated", but time should never be nil interface v.doUpdate(time.Now(), cachedUpdater) go v.updaterController(ctx, cachedUpdater) return v } //client will get cached value immediately, and optionally may trigger an update, if value is outdated func (v *Cached) Get() interface{} { if v.IsExpired(time.Now()) { v.RequestUpdate() } return v.value.Load() } //updateController goroutine can be terminated both by cancelling context, provided to maker, or by closing chan func (v *Cached) Stop() { close(v.needUpdate) } //returns true if value is outdated and updater function was likely not called yet func (v *Cached) IsExpired(currentTime time.Time) bool { updatedAt := v.updatedAt.Load().(time.Time) return currentTime.Sub(updatedAt) > v.updatePeriod } //requests updaterController to perform update, using non-blocking send to unbuffered chan. controller can decide not to update in case if it has recently updated value func (v *Cached) RequestUpdate() bool { select { case v.needUpdate <- struct{}{}: return true default: return false } } func (v *Cached) updaterController(ctx context.Context, cachedUpdater CachedUpdater) { for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return case _, ok := <-v.needUpdate: if !ok { return } currentTime := time.Now() if !v.IsExpired(currentTime) { continue } v.doUpdate(currentTime, cachedUpdater) } } } func (v *Cached) doUpdate(currentTime time.Time, cachedUpdater CachedUpdater) { v.updatedAt.Store(currentTime) v.value.Store(cachedUpdater()) }
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