如何在 Go 中构建结构体的递归切片?
时间:2024-04-29 18:21:32 449浏览 收藏
Golang小白一枚,正在不断学习积累知识,现将学习到的知识记录一下,也是将我的所得分享给大家!而今天这篇文章《如何在 Go 中构建结构体的递归切片?》带大家来了解一下##content_title##,希望对大家的知识积累有所帮助,从而弥补自己的不足,助力实战开发!
我需要从一段字符串创建一个 json 有效负载。它们代表单个文件的路径。它们需要合并到代表整个目录结构的最终 json 有效负载中。
[ "alpha/file1.json" "alpha/beta/file2.json" "alpha/beta/charlie/file3.json" "alpha/beta/charlie/file4.json" "delta/file5.json ]
json 负载结构
- 目录结构应包含一个名称,以及子项和/或文件。
- 子级将代表另一个目录结构及其自己的文件
- files 代表目录中的文件
json 有效负载如下:
[{ "Name": "alpha", "Files": [{ "Name": "file1.json", "Path": "alpha/file1.json" }], "Children": [{ "Name": "beta", "Files": [{ "Name": "file2.json", "Path": "alpha/beta/file2.json" }], "Children": [{ "Name": "charlie", "Files": [{ "Name": "file3.json", "Path": "alpha/beta/charlie/file3.json" }, { "Name": "file4.json", "Path": "alpha/beta/charlie/file4.json" }] }] }] },{ "Name": "delta", "Files": [ { "Name": "file5.json", "Path": "delta/file5.json" } ] }]
// DirectoryStructure stores the directory structure type DirectoryStructure struct { Name string `json:"Name"` Children []DirectoryStructure `json:"Children,omitempty"` Files []File `json:"Files,omitempty"` } // File stores the name of file and path to file type File struct { Name string `json:"Name"` Path string `json:"Path"` } func main() { // Build slice of strings filePaths := []string{} filePaths = append(filePaths, "alpha/file1.json") filePaths = append(filePaths, "alpha/beta/file2.json") filePaths = append(filePaths, "alpha/beta/charlie/file3.json") filePaths = append(filePaths, "alpha/beta/charlie/file4.json") filePaths = append(filePaths, "delta/file5.json") // Create directory with slice of structs directory := []DirectoryStructure{} // Iterate through slice for _, path := range filePaths { pathSlice := strings.Split(path, "/") // Start recursive function. Passing directory and assigning it to itself directory = buildDirectory(pathSlice, path, directory) } b, err := json.Marshal(directory) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println(string(b)) } func buildDirectory(path []string, key string, directory []DirectoryStructure) []DirectoryStructure { // Return index of folder if it already exists. folderIndex := doesExist(path[0], directory) // If folder exists and the next value in the path slice is not the file if folderIndex > -1 && len(path) != 2 { // Pass existing folder's Children to buildDirectory function and assign to itself directory[folderIndex].Children = buildDirectory(path[1:], key, directory[folderIndex].Children) return directory } // If next value in the path slice is a file if len(path) == 2 { // If folder does not exist if folderIndex == -1 { // Create new folder with files inside and append to directory fileDirectory := DirectoryStructure{} fileDirectory.Files = []File{{path[1], string(key)}} fileDirectory.Name = path[0] directory = append(directory, fileDirectory) } else { // If folder does exist, append files to the directory directory[folderIndex].Files = append(directory[folderIndex].Files, File{path[1], string(key)}) } return directory } // Folder does not exist and the next value is not a file // Create new directory, recurse it's Children, and append when returned currentDirectory := DirectoryStructure{} currentDirectory.Name = path[0] currentDirectory.Children = buildDirectory(path[1:], key, []DirectoryStructure{}) directory = append(directory, currentDirectory) return directory } // doesExist returns index of folder if exists func doesExist(folderName string, directory []DirectoryStructure) int { for index, element := range directory { if folderName == element.Name { return index } } return -1 }
本篇关于《如何在 Go 中构建结构体的递归切片?》的介绍就到此结束啦,但是学无止境,想要了解学习更多关于Golang的相关知识,请关注golang学习网公众号!
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