使用 SLM 从头开始构建 ReAct Agent
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今天golang学习网给大家带来了《使用 SLM 从头开始构建 ReAct Agent》,其中涉及到的知识点包括等等,无论你是小白还是老手,都适合看一看哦~有好的建议也欢迎大家在评论留言,若是看完有所收获,也希望大家能多多点赞支持呀!一起加油学习~
在这篇文章中,我将演示如何使用小语言模型 (slm) 创建函数调用代理。利用 slm 可以带来一系列好处,特别是与 lora 适配器等工具配合使用时,可以实现高效的微调和执行。虽然大型语言模型 (llm) 功能强大,但它们可能会占用大量资源且速度缓慢。另一方面,slm 更加轻量级,使其非常适合硬件资源有限的环境或低延迟至关重要的特定用例。
此外,slm 可以轻松扩展以在计算能力有限的设备上运行,这使其成为优先考虑成本和效率的生产环境的理想选择。在此示例中,我们将使用通过 unsloth 在 salesforce/xlam-function-calling-60k 数据集上训练的自定义模型,演示如何利用 slm 创建高性能、低资源的 ai 应用程序.
此外,这里讨论的方法可以扩展到更强大的模型,例如llama 3.1-8b,它具有内置的函数调用功能,在需要更大的模型时提供平滑的过渡。
1. 使用 unsloth 启动模型和分词器
我们首先使用 unsloth 设置模型和标记器。在这里,我们定义最大序列长度为 2048,尽管这个长度是可以调整的。我们还启用4 位量化来减少内存使用量,非常适合在内存较低的硬件上运行模型。
from unsloth import fastlanguagemodel max_seq_length = 2048 # choose any! we auto support rope scaling internally! dtype = none # none for auto detection. float16 for tesla t4, v100, bfloat16 for ampere+ load_in_4bit = true # use 4bit quantization to reduce memory usage. can be false. model, tokenizer = fastlanguagemodel.from_pretrained( model_name = "akshayballal/phi-3.5-mini-xlam-function-calling", max_seq_length = max_seq_length, dtype = dtype, load_in_4bit = load_in_4bit, ) fastlanguagemodel.for_inference(model);
2. 实施受控发电的停止标准
from transformers import stoppingcriteria, stoppingcriterialist import torch class keywordsstoppingcriteria(stoppingcriteria): def __init__(self, keywords_ids:list): self.keywords = keywords_ids def __call__(self, input_ids: torch.longtensor, _: torch.floattensor, **kwargs) -> bool: if input_ids[0][-1] in self.keywords: return true return false stop_ids = [17171] stop_criteria = keywordsstoppingcriteria(stop_ids)
3. 定义函数调用工具
def add_numbers(a: int, b: int) -> int: """ this function takes two integers and returns their sum. parameters: a (int): the first integer to add. b (int): the second integer to add. """ return a + b def square_number(a: int) -> int: """ this function takes an integer and returns its square. parameters: a (int): the integer to be squared. """ return a * a def square_root_number(a: int) -> int: """ this function takes an integer and returns its square root. parameters: a (int): the integer to calculate the square root of. """ return a ** 0.5
4. 为代理生成工具描述
tool_descriptions = [] for tool in tools: spec = { "name": tool.__name__, "description": tool.__doc__.strip(), "parameters": [ { "name": param, "type": arg.__name__ if hasattr(arg, '__name__') else str(arg), } for param, arg in tool.__annotations__.items() if param != 'return' ] } tool_descriptions.append(spec) tool_descriptions
[{'name': 'add_numbers', 'description': 'this function takes two integers and returns their sum.\n\n parameters:\n a (int): the first integer to add.\n b (int): the second integer to add.', 'parameters': [{'name': 'a', 'type': 'int'}, {'name': 'b', 'type': 'int'}]}, {'name': 'square_number', 'description': 'this function takes an integer and returns its square.\n\n parameters:\n a (int): the integer to be squared.', 'parameters': [{'name': 'a', 'type': 'int'}]}, {'name': 'square_root_number', 'description': 'this function takes an integer and returns its square root.\n\n parameters:\n a (int): the integer to calculate the square root of.', 'parameters': [{'name': 'a', 'type': 'int'}]}]
5. 创建代理类
- __call__ 是使用消息调用代理时调用的函数。它将消息添加到消息列表并返回代理的响应。
- execute 是被调用以生成代理响应的函数。它使用模型来生成响应。
- function_call 是被调用以生成代理响应的函数。它使用函数调用模型来生成响应。
import ast class agent: def __init__( self, system: str = "", function_calling_prompt: str = "", tools=[] ) -> none: self.system = system self.tools = tools self.function_calling_prompt = function_calling_prompt self.messages: list = [] if self.system: self.messages.append({"role": "system", "content": system}) def __call__(self, message=""): if message: self.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": message}) result = self.execute() self.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": result}) return result def execute(self): with model.disable_adapter(): # disable the adapter for thinking and reasoning inputs = tokenizer.apply_chat_template( self.messages, tokenize=true, add_generation_prompt=true, return_tensors="pt", ) output = model.generate( input_ids=inputs, max_new_tokens=128, stopping_criteria=stoppingcriterialist([stop_criteria]), ) return tokenizer.decode( output[0][inputs.shape[-1] :], skip_special_tokens=true ) def function_call(self, message): inputs = tokenizer.apply_chat_template( [ { "role": "user", "content": self.function_calling_prompt.format( tool_descriptions=tool_descriptions, query=message ), } ], tokenize=true, add_generation_prompt=true, return_tensors="pt", ) output = model.generate(input_ids=inputs, max_new_tokens=128, temperature=0.0) prompt_length = inputs.shape[-1] answer = ast.literal_eval( tokenizer.decode(output[0][prompt_length:], skip_special_tokens=true) )[ 0 ] # get the output of the function call model as a dictionary print(answer) tool_output = self.run_tool(answer["name"], **answer["arguments"]) return tool_output def run_tool(self, name, *args, **kwargs): for tool in self.tools: if tool.__name__ == name: return tool(*args, **kwargs)
6. 定义系统和函数调用提示
- 系统提示:智能体推理和工具使用的核心逻辑,遵循react模式。
- 函数调用提示:通过传递相关工具描述和查询来启用函数调用。
system_prompt = f""" you run in a loop of thought, action, pause, observation. at the end of the loop you output an answer use thought to describe your thoughts about the question you have been asked. use action to run one of the actions available to you - then return pause. observation will be the result of running those actions. stop when you have the answer. your available actions are: {tools} example session: question: what is the mass of earth times 2? thought: i need to find the mass of earth action: get_planet_mass: earth pause observation: 5.972e24 thought: i need to multiply this by 2 action: calculate: 5.972e24 * 2 pause observation: 1,1944×10e25 if you have the answer, output it as the answer. answer: \\{{1,1944×10e25\\}}. pause now it's your turn: """.strip() function_calling_prompt = """ you are a helpful assistant. below are the tools that you have access to. \n\n### tools: \n{tool_descriptions} \n\n### query: \n{query} \n """
7. 实现react循环
import re def loop_agent(agent: Agent, question, max_iterations=5): next_prompt = question i = 0 while i < max_iterations: result = agent(next_prompt) print(result) if "Answer:" in result: return result action = re.findall(r"Action: (.*)", result) if action: tool_output= agent.function_call(action) next_prompt = f"Observation: {tool_output}" print(next_prompt) else: next_prompt = "Observation: tool not found" i += 1 return result agent = Agent( system=system_prompt, function_calling_prompt=function_calling_prompt, tools=tools) loop_agent(agent, "what is the square root of the difference between 32^2 and 54");
按照此分步指南,您可以使用使用 unsloth 和 lora 适配器 训练的自定义模型创建函数调用代理。这种方法确保高效的内存使用,同时保持强大的推理和函数执行能力。
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