React 基础知识~单元测试/描述测试
时间:2024-11-19 16:13:06 499浏览 收藏
偷偷努力,悄无声息地变强,然后惊艳所有人!哈哈,小伙伴们又来学习啦~今天我将给大家介绍《React 基础知识~单元测试/描述测试》,这篇文章主要会讲到等等知识点,不知道大家对其都有多少了解,下面我们就一起来看一吧!当然,非常希望大家能多多评论,给出合理的建议,我们一起学习,一起进步!
import counter from "./components/counter"; const example = () => { const origincount = 0; return <counter origincount={origincount}></counter>; }; export default example;
import { usestate } from "react"; const counter = (props) => { const { origincount } = props; const [count, setcount] = usestate(origincount); const countup = () => { setcount(count + 1); }; const countdown = () => { setcount(count - 1); }; const countclear = () => { setcount(0); }; return ( <div> <h2>counter test</h2> <div> <span>current count:{count}</span> </div> <div> <button onclick={countup}>countup</button> <button onclick={countdown}>countdown</button> <button onclick={countclear}>clear</button> </div> </div> ); }; export default counter;
import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "@testing-library/react"; import Counter from "./Counter"; //A group for initial test describe("Counter", () => { describe("Check the initial display", () => { // ① A Confirming the Initial State test("Whether test("Whether the current count is 0 or not", () => { render(<Counter originCount={0} />); const spanElBeforeUpdate = screen.getByText("Current count:0"); expect(spanElBeforeUpdate).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); //A group for actions tests describe("Control buttons", () => { // ① count up test("Whether the current count changes into 1 or not, in case the countup button is clicked", () => { render(<Counter originCount={0} />); const spanElBeforeUpdate = screen.getByText("Current count:0"); expect(spanElBeforeUpdate).toBeInTheDocument(); const btn = screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Countup" });; const spanEl = screen.getByText("Current count:1"); expect(spanEl).toBeInTheDocument(); }); // ② count down test("Whether the current count changes into -1 or not, in case the countdown button is clicked ", () => { render(<Counter originCount={0} />); const spanElBeforeUpdate = screen.getByText("Current count:0"); expect(spanElBeforeUpdate).toBeInTheDocument(); const btn = screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Countdown" });; const spanEl = screen.getByText("Current count:-1"); expect(spanEl).toBeInTheDocument(); }); // ③ count clear test("Whether the current count changes into 0 or not, in case the clear button is clicked ", () => { render(<Counter originCount={0} />); const spanElBeforeUpdate = screen.getByText("Current count:0"); expect(spanElBeforeUpdate).toBeInTheDocument(); const btn = screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Clear" });; const spanEl = screen.getByText("Current count:0"); expect(spanEl).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); });
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