使用 TypeScript 和 ioredis 在 Nodejs 中构建高性能缓存管理器
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你在学习文章相关的知识吗?本文《使用 TypeScript 和 ioredis 在 Nodejs 中构建高性能缓存管理器》,主要介绍的内容就涉及到,如果你想提升自己的开发能力,就不要错过这篇文章,大家要知道编程理论基础和实战操作都是不可或缺的哦!
使用基于 ioredis 构建的多功能、易于使用的缓存管理器来提升 node.js 应用程序的性能。简化缓存、优化效率并简化操作。
我根据自己的需求开发了一个基于 ioredis 的类,重点关注易用性和性能。它包括 typescript 支持,旨在实现简单使用和高效操作。它仍然可以进一步改进和优化,可以动态数据库使用和更详细的错误处理。我想与您分享,如果您有任何反馈或改进建议,我将不胜感激。
import Redis, { type RedisOptions } from 'ioredis'; interface CacheConfig { defaultTTL?: number; } export class cacheManager { private static instance: cacheManager; private static redisClient: Redis; private currentKey: string | null; private defaultTTL: number; private static readonly DEFAULT_TTL = 3600; private constructor(config?: CacheConfig) { const redisConfig: RedisOptions = { db: 2, retryStrategy: (times: number) => { const delay = Math.min(times * 50, 2000); return delay; }, lazyConnect: true, maxRetriesPerRequest: 3, enableReadyCheck: true, autoResubscribe: true, autoResendUnfulfilledCommands: true, reconnectOnError: (err: Error) => { const targetError = 'READONLY'; return err.message.includes(targetError); }, }; if (!cacheManager.redisClient) { cacheManager.redisClient = new Redis(redisConfig); cacheManager.redisClient.on('error', (error: Error) => { console.error('Redis Client Error:', error); }); cacheManager.redisClient.on('connect', () => { console.debug('Redis Client Connected'); }); cacheManager.redisClient.on('ready', () => { console.debug('Redis Client Ready'); }); } this.currentKey = null; this.defaultTTL = config?.defaultTTL ?? cacheManager.DEFAULT_TTL; } public static getInstance(config?: CacheConfig): cacheManager { if (!cacheManager.instance) { cacheManager.instance = new cacheManager(config); } return cacheManager.instance; } public key(key: string): cacheManager { this.validateKey(key); this.currentKey = key; return this; } private validateKey(key: string): void { if (key.length > 100) throw new Error('Key too long'); if (!/^[\w:-]+$/.test(key)) throw new Error('Invalid key format'); } public async getValue<T>(): Promise<T | null> { try { if (!this.currentKey) { throw new Error('Key is required'); } const value = await cacheManager.redisClient.get(this.currentKey); return value ? JSON.parse(value) : null; } catch (error) { console.error('getValue Error:', error); return null; } } public async getMultiple<T>(keys: string[]): Promise<Record<string, T | null>> { try { const pipeline = cacheManager.redisClient.pipeline(); for (const key of keys) { pipeline.get(key); } type PipelineResult = [Error | null, string | null][] | null; const results = (await pipeline.exec()) as PipelineResult; const output: Record<string, T | null> = {}; if (!results) { return output; } keys.forEach((key, index) => { const result = results[index]; if (result) { const [err, value] = result; if (!err && value) { try { output[key] = JSON.parse(value); } catch { output[key] = null; } } else { output[key] = null; } } else { output[key] = null; } }); return output; } catch (error) { console.error('getMultiple Error:', error); return {}; } } public async setValue<T>(value: T, ttl: number = this.defaultTTL): Promise<boolean> { try { if (!this.currentKey) { throw new Error('Key is required'); } const stringValue = JSON.stringify(value); if (ttl) { await cacheManager.redisClient.setex(this.currentKey, ttl, stringValue); } else { await cacheManager.redisClient.set(this.currentKey, stringValue); } return true; } catch (error) { console.error('setValue Error:', error); return false; } } public async setBulkValue<T>(keyValuePairs: Record<string, T>, ttl: number = this.defaultTTL, batchSize = 1000): Promise<boolean> { try { const entries = Object.entries(keyValuePairs); for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i += batchSize) { const batch = entries.slice(i, i + batchSize); const pipeline = cacheManager.redisClient.pipeline(); for (const [key, value] of batch) { const stringValue = JSON.stringify(value); if (ttl) { pipeline.setex(key, ttl, stringValue); } else { pipeline.set(key, stringValue); } } await pipeline.exec(); } return true; } catch (error) { console.error('setBulkValue Error:', error); return false; } } public async getOrSetValue<T>(fallbackFn: () => Promise<T>, ttl: number = this.defaultTTL): Promise<T | null> { try { if (!this.currentKey) { throw new Error('Key is required'); } const cachedValue = await this.getValue<T>(); if (cachedValue !== null) { return cachedValue; } const value = await fallbackFn(); await this.setValue(value, ttl); return value; } catch (error) { console.error('getOrSetValue Error:', error); return null; } } public async delete(): Promise<boolean> { try { if (!this.currentKey) { throw new Error('Key is required'); } await cacheManager.redisClient.del(this.currentKey); return true; } catch (error) { console.error('delete Error:', error); return false; } } public async exists(): Promise<boolean> { try { if (!this.currentKey) { throw new Error('Key is required'); } return (await cacheManager.redisClient.exists(this.currentKey)) === 1; } catch (error) { console.error('exists Error:', error); return false; } } public async getTTL(): Promise<number> { try { if (!this.currentKey) { throw new Error('Key is required'); } return await cacheManager.redisClient.ttl(this.currentKey); } catch (error) { console.error('getTTL Error:', error); return -1; } } public static async disconnect(): Promise<void> { if (cacheManager.redisClient) { await cacheManager.redisClient.quit(); } } }
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