Command Pattern
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golang学习网今天将给大家带来《Command Pattern》,感兴趣的朋友请继续看下去吧!以下内容将会涉及到等等知识点,如果你是正在学习文章或者已经是大佬级别了,都非常欢迎也希望大家都能给我建议评论哈~希望能帮助到大家!
- 当您需要将发出请求的对象与知道如何执行请求的对象解耦时,请使用命令模式。
- 当您想在运行时向对象注入或分配不同的请求时,请使用命令模式。
- 当您需要在应用程序中进行撤消或重做操作时,请使用命令模式。
想象一下,我们正在为远程控制设计 api,用于操作客户端中的电子设备。这里我们有很多供应商课程。
引入通用接口似乎并不有趣,因为我们的 vender 类是多种多样的,并且预计我们会有更多的 vender 类。
此外,遥控器不应包含一组 if 语句,例如 if slot1 == light, then light.turnon(),else if slot1 == tv, then tv.turnon(),因为它是一个糟糕的设计。
这是发出诸如 command.execute() 之类的请求的请求,但不关心如何执行工作。
如果您希望 remotecontrol 有多个插槽(例如,一个用于 outdoorlight,另一个用于 tv),remotecontrol 可以具有命令数组,例如 oncommands[] 和 offcommands[]。 setcommand 方法可以采用一个整数来确定要设置的槽。例如,setcommand(2, tvoncommand, tvoffcommand) 可能会将 tvoncommand 分配给 oncommands[2],将 tvoffcommand 分配给 offcommands[2]。命令
turnonoutdoorlightcommand 对象调用execute() 方法并将“如何打开灯”委托给持有的ourdoorlight 对象。户外灯
这是知道如何执行工作以遵守 remotecontrol 请求的人。客户
client 负责创建 concretecommands 并将它们与相应的 receiver 关联起来。
// receiver public class outdoorlight { public void turnon() { system.out.println("outdoor light is on"); } public void turnoff() { system.out.println("outdoor light is off"); } }
public interface command { void execute(); void undo(); }
// concrete command public class turnonoutdoorcommand implements command { private outdoorlight outdoorlight; public turnonoutdoorcommand(outdoorlight outdoorlight) { this.outdoorlight = outdoorlight; } @override public void execute() { outdoorlight.turnon(); } @override public void undo() { outdoorlight.turnoff(); } }
// concrete command public class turnoffoutdoorlightcommand implements command { outdoorlight outdoorlight; public turnoffoutdoorlightcommand(outdoorlight outdoorlight) { this.outdoorlight = outdoorlight; } @override public void execute() { outdoorlight.turnoff(); } @override public void undo() { outdoorlight.turnon(); } }
// null object public class nocommand implements command { @override public void execute() { } @override public void undo() { } }
// invoker public class remotecontrol { private command oncommand; private command offcommand; public stack<command> undocommands; public remotecontrol() { oncommand = new nocommand(); offcommand = new nocommand(); undocommands = new stack<>(); undocommands.push(new nocommand()); } public void setcommand(command oncommand, command offcommand) { this.oncommand = oncommand; this.offcommand = offcommand; } public void onbuttonwaspushed() { oncommand.execute(); undocommands.push(oncommand); } public void offbuttonwaspushed() { offcommand.execute(); undocommands.push(offcommand); } public void undobuttonwaspushed() { if (!(undocommands.peek() instanceof nocommand)) { command lastcommand = undocommands.pop(); lastcommand.undo(); } else { system.out.println("undocommands stack is empty!"); } } }
public class client { public static void main(string[] args) { outdoorlight outdoorlight = new outdoorlight(); // create a receiver // create commands on that receiver // these commands are encapsulated requests in other words command turnonoutdoorlight = new turnonoutdoorcommand(outdoorlight); command turnoffoutdoorlight = new turnoffoutdoorlightcommand(outdoorlight); remotecontrol rc = new remotecontrol(); // create an invoker // we can pass encapsulated requests to other object rc.setcommand(turnonoutdoorlight, turnoffoutdoorlight); // set command on that invoker rc.undobuttonwaspushed(); rc.onbuttonwaspushed(); rc.offbuttonwaspushed(); rc.undobuttonwaspushed(); rc.undobuttonwaspushed(); rc.undobuttonwaspushed(); } }
undocommands stack is empty! outdoor light is on outdoor light is off outdoor light is on outdoor light is off undocommands stack is empty!
nocommand 被称为 null object,这是另一种设计模式。当您没有要返回的含义对象时,它很有用。这里我们使用它作为 invoker 持有的默认命令,这样我们就不需要处理 null。
- 客户端需要做很多事情,例如创建concretecommands并设置相应的receiver,创建invoker并在该invoker上设置concretecommands。
macrocommand 是命令模式的简单扩展,它允许您使用一个命令来打开灯、电视、空调、咖啡机和播放音乐。
public class macrocommand implements command { command[] commands; public macrocommand(command[] commands) { this.commands = commands; } // executes holding commands one at a time @override public void execute() { for (command command : commands) { command.execute(); } } }
就是这样!现在我们准备好使用宏命令了。但在此之前,让我向您展示如何实现可以有多个插槽的 remotecontrol,正如我在“解决方案”部分中提到的。
public class remotecontrol { private command[] oncommands; private command[] offcommands; public remotecontrol() { // our remotecontrol has 3 slots oncommands = new command[3]; offcommands = new command[3]; command nocommand = new nocommand(); for (int i = 0; i < oncommands.length; i++) { oncommands[i] = nocommand; offcommands[i] = nocommand; } } public void setcommands(int slot, command oncommand, command offcommand) { oncommands[slot] = oncommand; offcommands[slot] = offcommand; } public void onbuttonwaspushed(int slot) { oncommands[slot].execute(); } public void offbuttonwaspushed(int slot) { offcommands[slot].execute(); } // print slots info in pretty style @override public string tostring() { stringbuilder stringbuilder = new stringbuilder(); stringbuilder.append("\n------ remote control ------\n"); for (int i = 0; i < oncommands.length; i++) { stringbuilder.append("[slot " + i + "] " + oncommands[i].getclass().getsimplename() + " " + offcommands[i].getclass().getsimplename() + "\n"); } return stringbuilder.tostring(); } }
最后,客户端使用我们的宏命令。为了简单起见,我只创建了两个接收器,light 和 coffeemachine。
public class client { public static void main(string[] args) { // create receivers light light = new light(); coffeemachine coffeemachine = new coffeemachine(); // create commands and set corresponding receivers on them command lightoncommand = new lightoncommand(light); command lightoffcommand = new lightoffcommand(light); command coffeemachineoncommand = new coffeemachineon(coffeemachine); command coffeemachineoffcommand = new coffeemachineoff(coffeemachine); // create arrays of commands command[] morningon = {lightoncommand, coffeemachineoncommand}; command[] morningoff = {lightoffcommand, coffeemachineoffcommand}; // create macros macrocommand morningonmacro = new macrocommand(morningon); macrocommand morningoffmacro = new macrocommand(morningoff); remotecontrol rc = new remotecontrol(); rc.setcommands(0, morningonmacro, morningoffmacro); system.out.println(rc); system.out.println("--- pushing macro on ---"); rc.onbuttonwaspushed(0); system.out.println("\n--- pushing macro off ---"); rc.offbuttonwaspushed(0); } }
------ remote control ------ [slot 0] macrocommand macrocommand [slot 1] nocommand nocommand [slot 2] nocommand nocommand --- pushing macro on --- light is on coffee machine is on coffee machine is making a cup of coffee --- pushing macro off --- light is off coffee machine is off
我们的宏命令打开灯并启动咖啡机,咖啡机立即开始冲泡咖啡。请注意,我们可以在 receiver 中定义一组操作,并在 concretecommand 的execute() 方法中使用它们,如“结构”部分中的 uml 图所示。
@Override public void execute() { coffeeMachine.on(); coffeeMachine.makeCoffee(); }
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