(D): Aplicando o \"Princípio da Inversão de Dependências\" com Typescript e Java
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积累知识,胜过积蓄金银!毕竟在文章开发的过程中,会遇到各种各样的问题,往往都是一些细节知识点还没有掌握好而导致的,因此基础知识点的积累是很重要的。下面本文《(D): Aplicando o \"Princípio da Inversão de Dependências\" com Typescript e Java》,就带大家讲解一下知识点,若是你对本文感兴趣,或者是想搞懂其中某个知识点,就请你继续往下看吧~
solid 是一个缩写词,代表面向对象编程的五个基本原则,由 robert c. martin(鲍勃大叔)提出。在这里您可以阅读有关他的文章的更多信息。
缩写中的“d”代表“依赖倒置原则”。 bob叔叔用来定义这个原则的一句话是:
dip 解决的问题
- 紧密耦合:当一个模块直接依赖于具体实现时,对该实现的更改可能会影响其他模块。
- 测试难度:测试直接耦合到特定实现的代码单元更加复杂,因为它需要使用这些具体实现,因此很难创建模拟或存根。
- 可重用性低:与具体细节高度耦合的模块在其他上下文中的可重用性较低。
class emailservice { public void sendemail(string message) { system.out.println("sending email: " + message); } } class notification { private emailservice emailservice; public notification() { this.emailservice = new emailservice(); } public void notify(string message) { this.emailservice.sendemail(message); } } // uso public class main { public static void main(string[] args) { notification notification = new notification(); notification.notify("welcome to our service!"); } }
class emailservice { sendemail(message: string): void { console.log(`sending email: ${message}`); } } class notification { private emailservice: emailservice; constructor() { this.emailservice = new emailservice(); } notify(message: string): void { this.emailservice.sendemail(message); } } // uso const notification = new notification(); notification.notify("welcome to our service!");
- notification 类直接依赖于具体实现(emailservice)。
- 如果我们想更改通知渠道(例如:短信),我们需要更改通知代码。
- 通知不需要知道消息如何发送的详细信息。
- 易于更换或添加新的沟通渠道。
- 我们可以单独测试通知,而不需要依赖实际的实现。
public interface messageservice { void sendmessage(string message); } public class emailservice implements messageservice { @override public void sendmessage(string message) { system.out.println("sending email: " + message); } } public class smsservice implements messageservice { @override public void sendmessage(string message) { system.out.println("sending sms: " + message); } } public class notification { private final messageservice messageservice; public notification(messageservice messageservice) { this.messageservice = messageservice; } public void notify(string message) { messageservice.sendmessage(message); } } // uso public class main { public static void main(string[] args) { notification emailnotification = new notification(new emailservice()); emailnotification.notify("welcome via email!"); notification smsnotification = new notification(new smsservice()); smsnotification.notify("welcome via sms!"); } }
interface messageservice { sendmessage(message: string): void; } class emailservice implements messageservice { sendmessage(message: string): void { console.log(`sending email: ${message}`); } } class smsservice implements messageservice { sendmessage(message: string): void { console.log(`sending sms: ${message}`); } } class notification { private messageservice: messageservice; constructor(messageservice: messageservice) { this.messageservice = messageservice; } notify(message: string): void { this.messageservice.sendmessage(message); } } // uso const emailnotification = new notification(new emailservice()); emailnotification.notify("welcome via email!"); const smsnotification = new notification(new smsservice()); smsnotification.notify("welcome via sms!");
3. 单元测试
public class mockmessageservice implements messageservice { @override public void sendmessage(string message) { system.out.println("mock message sent: " + message); } } // teste com o mock public class main { public static void main(string[] args) { messageservice mockmessageservice = new mockmessageservice(); notification mocknotification = new notification(mockmessageservice); mocknotification.notify("test message"); } }
class MockMessageService implements MessageService { sendMessage(message: string): void { console.log(`Mock message sent: ${message}`); } } // Teste com o mock const mockNotification = new Notification(new MockMessageService()); mockNotification.notify("Test message");
依赖倒置原则(dip)是灵活而健壮的项目的基本支柱。它允许您减少类之间的耦合,促进代码重用并提高应用程序的可测试性。通过依赖抽象,您的系统变得更能适应变化并可通过新功能进行扩展。实际示例展示了小的设计调整如何解决经常出现的维护问题。将 dip 与其他 solid 原则结合应用可确保更清晰的代码,为增长做好准备。采用这些概念对于寻求卓越软件架构的开发人员至关重要。
- martin,robert c. 敏捷软件开发、原则、模式和实践。普伦蒂斯·霍尔,2002 年。
- 蒂亚戈·莱特和卡瓦略。 面向对象。 casa do code,2014。
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