MySQL插入语句报错:如何解决SQL语法错误“You have an error in your SQL syntax”?
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sql insert语法报错
插入语句一直报错,提示sql语法错误:“java.sql.sqlsyntaxerrorexception: you have an error in your sql syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your mysql server version for the right syntax to use near ')values( 'hello' at line 11”。
public int insertpncode(pnmodelinoutinventory pnmodelinoutinventory) { return pnmapperruku.insertpnassertrukudetails(pnmodelinoutinventory); }
<insert id="insertpnassertrukudetails" parametertype="com.ruoyi.system.domain.pnmodelinoutinventory"> insert into pnassertrukudetails ( <if test="parentpnassertrukuid != null and parentpnassertrukuid != '' ">parent_pnassertruku_id,</if> <if test="materialinformation != null and materialinformation != '' ">materialinformation,</if> <if test="numbersruku != null and numbersruku != '' ">numbersruku,</if> <if test="qualified != null and qualified != '' ">qualified,</if> <if test="unit != null and unit != '' ">unit,</if> <if test="storageroom != null and storageroom != ''">storageroom,</if> <if test="sn != null and sn != ''">sn,</if> <if test="remark != null and remark != ''">remark,</if> <if test="batchnumber != null and batchnumber != ''">batchnumber,</if> )values( <if test="parentpnassertrukuid != null and parentpnassertrukuid != '' ">#{parentpnassertrukuid},</if> <if test="materialinformation != null and materialinformation != '' ">#{materialinformation},</if> <if test="numbersruku != null and numbersruku != '' ">#{numbersruku},</if> <if test="qualified != null and qualified != '' ">#{qualified},</if> <if test="unit != null and unit != '' ">#{unit},</if> <if test="storageroom != null and storageroom != ''">#{storageroom},</if> <if test="sn != null and sn != ''">#{sn},</if> <if test="remark != null and remark != ''">#{remark},</if> <if test="batchnumber != null and batchnumber != ''">#{batchnumber},</if> ) </insert>
错误提示中的“' )values( 'hello'”表明语法错误发生在插入语句中的值列表部分。仔细对比了上述mapper.xml代码,发现各个字段名和参数占位符之间存在多余的逗号。
<insert id="insertPnAssertRukuDetails" parameterType="com.ruoyi.system.domain.PnModelInOutInventory"> insert into pnAssertRukuDetails ( <if test="parentPnAssertRukuId != null and parentPnAssertRukuId != '' ">parent_pnAssertRuku_id</if> <if test="materialInformation != null and materialInformation != '' ">materialInformation</if> <if test="numbersRuKu != null and numbersRuKu != '' ">numbersRuKu</if> <if test="qualified != null and qualified != '' ">qualified</if> <if test="unit != null and unit != '' ">unit</if> <if test="storageRoom != null and storageRoom != ''">storageRoom</if> <if test="sn != null and sn != ''">sn</if> <if test="remark != null and remark != ''">remark</if> <if test="batchNumber != null and batchNumber != ''">batchNumber</if> )values( <if test="parentPnAssertRukuId != null and parentPnAssertRukuId != '' ">#{parentPnAssertRukuId}</if> <if test="materialInformation != null and materialInformation != '' ">#{materialInformation}</if> <if test="numbersRuKu != null and numbersRuKu != '' ">#{numbersRuKu}</if> <if test="qualified != null and qualified != '' ">#{qualified}</if> <if test="unit != null and unit != '' ">#{unit}</if> <if test="storageRoom != null and storageRoom != ''">#{storageRoom}</if> <if test="sn != null and sn != ''">#{sn}</if> <if test="remark != null and remark != ''">#{remark}</if> <if test="batchNumber != null and batchNumber != ''">#{batchNumber}</if> ) </insert>
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