在 Nextjs 中构建自动货币切换器
时间:2025-01-16 13:55:03 113浏览 收藏
欢迎各位小伙伴来到golang学习网,相聚于此都是缘哈哈哈!今天我给大家带来《在 Nextjs 中构建自动货币切换器》,这篇文章主要讲到等等知识,如果你对文章相关的知识非常感兴趣或者正在自学,都可以关注我,我会持续更新相关文章!当然,有什么建议也欢迎在评论留言提出!一起学习!
在开始之前,请确保您对 next.js 和 react 有基本的了解。
1. 创建后端api路由
我们将创建一个与我们的 geolocation api 交互的 next.js api 路由。
import { nextresponse } from "next/server"; import axios from "axios"; type ipgeolocation = { ip: string; version?: string; city?: string; region?: string; region_code?: string; country_code?: string; country_code_iso3?: string; country_fifa_code?: string; country_fips_code?: string; country_name?: string; country_capital?: string; country_tld?: string; country_emoji?: string; continent_code?: string; in_eu: boolean; land_locked: boolean; postal?: string; latitude?: number; longitude?: number; timezone?: string; utc_offset?: string; country_calling_code?: string; currency?: string; currency_name?: string; languages?: string; country_area?: number; asn?: string; // append ?fields=asn to the url isp?: string; // append ?fields=isp to the url } type ipgeolocationerror = { code: string; error: string; } export async function get() { // retrieve ip address using the getclientip function // for testing purposes, we'll use a fixed ip address // const clientip = getclientip(req.headers); const clientip = ""; if (!clientip) { return nextresponse.json( { error: "unable to determine ip address" }, { status: 400 } ); } const key = process.env.ipflare_api_key; if (!key) { return nextresponse.json( { error: "ipflare api key is not set" }, { status: 500 } ); } try { const response = await axios.get<ipgeolocation | ipgeolocationerror>( `https://api.ipflare.io/${clientip}`, { headers: { "x-api-key": key, }, } ); if ("error" in response.data) { return nextresponse.json({ error: response.data.error }, { status: 400 }); } return nextresponse.json(response.data); } catch { return nextresponse.json( { error: "internal server error" }, { status: 500 } ); } }
2. 获取您的api密钥
我们将使用名为 ip flare 的免费地理定位服务。访问 api 密钥页面:导航至 api 密钥页面。
从 api 密钥页面我们可以获得 api 密钥,并且可以使用快速复制将其作为环境变量存储在 .env 文件中。我们将用它来验证我们的请求。
3. 创建前端组件
我创建了这个一体化组件,其中包括提供程序和货币选择器。我正在使用 shadcn/ui 和一些我在网上找到的标志 svg。
您需要将应用程序包装在 <currencyprovider /> 中,以便我们可以访问上下文。
现在,在应用程序中任何想要访问货币的地方,我们都可以使用钩子 const {currency } = usecurrency();。
要将其与 stripe 集成,当您创建结帐时,您只需发送货币并确保已将多货币定价添加到您的 stripe 产品中。
"use client"; import { useRouter } from "next/navigation"; import { createContext, type FC, type ReactNode, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState, } from "react"; import axios from "axios"; // 1) Import axios import { Flag } from "~/components/flag"; import { Select, SelectContent, SelectGroup, SelectItem, SelectTrigger, SelectValue, } from "~/components/ui/select"; import { cn } from "~/lib/utils"; import { type Currency } from "~/server/schemas/currency"; // -- [1] Create a local type for the data returned by /api/geolocation. type GeolocationData = { country_code?: string; continent_code?: string; currency?: string; }; type CurrencyContext = { currency: Currency; setCurrency: (currency: Currency) => void; }; const CurrencyContext = createContext<CurrencyContext | null>(null); export function useCurrency() { const context = useContext(CurrencyContext); if (!context) { throw new Error("useCurrency must be used within a CurrencyProvider."); } return context; } export const CurrencyProvider: FC<{ children: ReactNode }> = ({ children }) => { const router = useRouter(); // -- [2] Local state for geolocation data const [location, setLocation] = useState<GeolocationData | null>(null); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState<boolean>(true); // -- [3] Fetch location once when the component mounts useEffect(() => { const fetchLocation = async () => { setIsLoading(true); try { const response = await axios.get("/api/geolocation"); setLocation(response.data); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } finally { setIsLoading(false); } }; void fetchLocation(); }, []); // -- [4] Extract currency from location if present (fallback to "usd") const geoCurrency = location?.currency; const getInitialCurrency = (): Currency => { if (typeof window !== "undefined") { const cookie = document.cookie .split("; ") .find((row) => row.startsWith("currency=")); if (cookie) { const value = cookie.split("=")[1]; if (value === "usd" || value === "eur" || value === "gbp") { return value; } } } return "usd"; }; const [currency, setCurrencyState] = useState<Currency>(getInitialCurrency); useEffect(() => { if (!isLoading && geoCurrency !== undefined) { const validatedCurrency = validateCurrency(geoCurrency, location); if (validatedCurrency) { setCurrency(validatedCurrency); } } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [isLoading, location, geoCurrency]); // -- [5] Update currency & store cookie; no more tRPC invalidation const setCurrency = (newCurrency: Currency) => { setCurrencyState(newCurrency); if (typeof window !== "undefined") { document.cookie = `currency=${newCurrency}; path=/; max-age=${ 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 }`; // Expires in 1 year } // Removed tRPC invalidate since we are no longer using tRPC router.refresh(); }; const contextValue = useMemo<CurrencyContext>( () => ({ currency, setCurrency, }), [currency], ); return ( <CurrencyContext.Provider value={contextValue}> {children} </CurrencyContext.Provider> ); }; export const CurrencySelect = ({ className }: { className?: string }) => { const { currency, setCurrency } = useCurrency(); return ( <Select value={currency} onValueChange={setCurrency}> <SelectTrigger className={cn("w-[250px]", className)}> <SelectValue placeholder="Select a currency" /> </SelectTrigger> <SelectContent> <SelectGroup className="text-sm"> <SelectItem value="usd"> <div className="flex items-center gap-3"> <Flag code="US" className="h-4 w-4 rounded" /> <span>$ USD</span> </div> </SelectItem> <SelectItem value="eur"> <div className="flex items-center gap-3"> <Flag code="EU" className="h-4 w-4 rounded" /> <span>€ EUR</span> </div> </SelectItem> <SelectItem value="gbp"> <div className="flex items-center gap-3"> <Flag code="GB" className="h-4 w-4 rounded" /> <span>£ GBP</span> </div> </SelectItem> </SelectGroup> </SelectContent> </Select> ); }; // -- [6] Use our new GeolocationData type in place of RouterOutputs const validateCurrency = ( currency: string, location?: GeolocationData | null, ): Currency | null => { if (currency === "usd" || currency === "eur" || currency === "gbp") { return currency; } if (!location) { return null; } if (location.country_code === "GB") { return "gbp"; } // Check if they are in the EU if (location.continent_code === "EU") { return "eur"; } // North America if (location.continent_code === "NA") { return "usd"; } return null; };
以上就是《在 Nextjs 中构建自动货币切换器》的详细内容,更多关于的资料请关注golang学习网公众号!
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