Python Day-例外处理
时间:2025-02-05 22:52:33 380浏览 收藏
编程并不是一个机械性的工作,而是需要有思考,有创新的工作,语法是固定的,但解决问题的思路则是依靠人的思维,这就需要我们坚持学习和更新自己的知识。今天golang学习网就整理分享《Python Day-例外处理》,文章讲解的知识点主要包括,如果你对文章方面的知识点感兴趣,就不要错过golang学习网,在这可以对大家的知识积累有所帮助,助力开发能力的提升。
- >例外是一个异常事件,发生在程序执行过程中,并突然停止程序(立即)
语法: try:
# code that might raise an exception
except someexception:
# code to handle the exception
# code to run if no exception occurs
# code to run regardless of whether an exception occurs
- >
- 如果发生异常,则将其传递给块。 2。除了block
- >您可以指定不同类型的异常,也可以使用一般条款以捕获所有异常。
- 最终块执行,无论是否出现异常。 >
- >
- 1)
try: no1 = int(input("enter no.")) no2 = int(input("enter no. ")) print(no1//no2) except zerodivisionerror: print("no2 should not be zero. check no2 value ") print(no1+no2)
enter no.10 enter no. 0 no2 should not be zero. check no2 value 102)
try: no1 = int(input("enter no.")) no2 = int(input("enter no. ")) print(no1//no2) print(no1+no2) except zerodivisionerror: print("no2 should not be zero. check no2 value ") except valueerror: print("inputs should be numbers ")
enter no.10 enter no. ten inputs should be numbers
try: no1 = int(input("enter no.")) no2 = int(input("enter no. ")) print(no1//no2) print(no1+no2) f = open("pqrs.txt") except zerodivisionerror: print("no2 should not be zero. check no2 value ") except valueerror: print("inputs should be numbers ") except: print("something went wrong")
#if all inputs are correct enter no.10 enter no. 5 2 15 #if any error not specified particularly enter no.10 enter no. 5 2 15 something went wrong #if zerodivisionerror enter no.10 enter no. 0 no2 should not be zero. check no2 value #if valueerror enter no.10 enter no. ten inputs should be numbers异常处理和条件语句之间的区别
- 处理不可预测的错误时,请使用try-exce
import traceback try: no1 = int(input("enter no.")) no2 = int(input("enter no. ")) print(no1//no2) print(no1+no2) f = open("pqrs.txt") print( except (valueerror, zerodivisionerror) as msg: print("check ",msg) except: print("something went wrong") traceback.print_exc()
enter no.10 enter no. 0 check integer division or modulo by zero>示例:2
import traceback try: no1 = int(input("enter no.")) no2 = int(input("enter no. ")) print(no1//no2) print(no1+no2) f = open("pqrs.txt") print( except (valueerror, zerodivisionerror) as msg: print("check ",msg) except: print("something went wrong") traceback.print_exc() finally: print("check finally message")
enter no.10 enter no. 10 1 20 something went wrong traceback (most recent call last): file "/home/guru/desktop/guru/python/", line 7, in <module> f = open("pqrs.txt") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ filenotfounderror: [errno 2] no such file or directory: 'pqrs.txt' check finally message
class employee: pass emp1 = employee() emp2 = employee() print(emp1) print(emp2)
<__main__.employee object at 0x730a36434110> <__main__.employee object at 0x730a36434080>
__ doc __(docstring属性)
> __doc__属性用于访问类,功能,模块或方法的docstring。 docstring是一个多行字符串,提供有关对象的文档,该对象在triple引号('''''')中声明。
class employee: '''this class is for creating employees''' print(employee.__doc__)>输出:
this class is for creating employees
->“ self”用于访问和操纵类中的实例变量和方法。 -> self代表类的实例。>
- 使用self.variable_name定义的>。
class employee: def work(self): print(self.empname, self.job_nature) emp1 = employee() emp1.empname = 'guru' emp1.job_nature = "designing" emp2 = employee() emp2.empname = "pritha" emp2.job_nature = "development"
guru designing pritha development
class employee: organization = "infosys" def work(self): print(self.empname, self.job_nature, self.organization) def take_leave(self): pass def promote(self): pass emp1 = employee() emp1.empname = 'guru' emp1.job_nature = "designing" emp2 = employee() emp2.empname = "pritha" emp2.job_nature = "development"
guru designing infosys pritha development infosys
class employee: def work(self): print(self.empname, self.job_nature, self.organization) def take_leave(self): pass def promote(self): pass emp1 = employee() emp1.empname = 'guru' emp1.job_nature = "designing" emp2 = employee() emp2.empname = "pritha" emp2.job_nature = "development" employee.organization = "infosys"
Guru designing Infosys Pritha development Infosys
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