将角消防员图书馆放置 - II
时间:2025-02-05 22:58:04 282浏览 收藏
怎么入门文章编程?需要学习哪些知识点?这是新手们刚接触编程时常见的问题;下面golang学习网就来给大家整理分享一些知识点,希望能够给初学者一些帮助。本篇文章就来介绍《将角消防员图书馆放置 - II》,涉及到,有需要的可以收藏一下
>以前,我们创建了自己的firestore getters来返回适当的观察力,从而将诺言转变为可冷观察的诺言。今天,让我们继续使用其他命令,以正确地映射我们的数据。
“ firestore有一个内置的converter withconverter to conconter tor map to and firestore。不,谢谢。我们将从这里拿走。getdoc()返回具有id的文档napshot,以及上述数据()。 getdocs()返回带有docs数组的querysnapshot,除其他外,这是返回的documentsnapshot对象。我们的类别模型现在看起来像这样:
// category.model // mapping new instance export interface icategory { name: string | null; id: string | null; key?: string; } // static class or export functions, it's a designers choice export class category { public static newinstance(data: querydocumentsnapshot): icategory { if (data === null) { return null; } const d = data.data(); return { id: data.id, name: d['name'], key: d['key'] }; } // receives querysnapshot and maps out the `data() ` and id public static newinstances(data: querysnapshot): icategory[] { // read docs array return data.docs.map(n => category.newinstance(n)); } }
// category.service getcategories(params: iwhere[] = []): observable<icategory[]> { // ... return from(getdocs(_query)).pipe( map((res: querysnapshot) => { // here map return category.newinstances(res); }) ); } getcategory(id: string): observable<icategory> { return from(getdoc(doc(this.db, 'categories', id))).pipe( map((res: documentsnapshot) => { // map return category.newinstance(res); }), ); }
// components/categories.list addnew() { // read form: const newcat: partial<icategory> = this.fg.value; this.categoryservice.createcategory(newcat).subscribe({ next: (res) => { // the category list should be updated here console.log(res); } }); }
// category.service createcategory(category: partial<icategory>): observable<any> { return from(adddoc(collection(this.db, 'categories'), category)).pipe( map(res => { // i have nothing but id! return {...category, id: res.id}; }) ); }
>可能看起来不错,但是我不希望在不浏览映射器的情况下直接使用id,解决方案可以像单独的映射器一样简单,或者我们可以稍微适应newinstance // category.model
// adjust newinstance to accept partial category
public static newinstance(data: documentsnapshot | partial<icategory>, id?: string): icategory {
if (data === null) {
return null;
const d = data instanceof documentsnapshot ? data.data() : data;
return {
id: data.id || id, // if data.id doesnt exist (as in adddoc)
name: d['name'],
key: d['key']
// category.service createcategory(category: partial<icategory>): observable<icategory> { return from(adddoc(collection(this.db, 'categories'), category)).pipe( map(res => { // update to pass category and res.id return category.newinstance(category, res.id); }), ); }
doc(collection(this.db,'cantories'))返回新生成的id >
setdoc(_document_reference,{... newcategory},选项)设置文档数据,并在文档参考中保存提供的id
adddoc(collection(this.db,'cantories'),{... newcategory});添加带有自动生成id的文档(这是doc(collection ...)然后setdoc())- >的快捷方式
- updatedoc(doc(this.db,'categories','staust_id'),partial_category)这会更新现有文档(doc(db ...)的快捷键(db ...),然后使用现有id)进行setdoc()
- >从前两个开始激起了混乱,它们看起来是如此相似,但是它们是不同的
// find document reference, or create it with new id const categoryref = doc(this.db, 'categories', '_somedocumentreferenceid'); // create a document reference with auto generated id const categoryref = doc(collection(this.db, 'categories'));
现在,返回的参考文档可用于创建实际文档,或对其进行更新。因此,预计将通过setdoc - 成功
- >如果文档不存在wit合并设置为true,它将创建一个带有部分数据的新文档。不好。小心。
// then use the returned reference to setdoc, to add a new document setdoc(categoryref, {name: 'bubbles', key: 'bubbles'}); // pass partial document with options: merge to partially update an existing document setdoc(existingcategoryref, {name: 'bubble'}, {merge: true});
// add a new documnet with a new generated id adddoc(collection(this.db, 'categories'), {name: 'bubbles', key: 'bubbles'}); // update and existing document, this will throw an error if non existent updatedoc(existingcategoryref, {name: 'bubbles'})出于插图目的,这是创建新类别
// an alternative way to create createcategory(category: partial<icategory>): observable<icategory> { // new auto generated id const ref = doc(collection(this.db, 'categories')); return from(setdoc(ref, category)).pipe( map(_ => { // response is void, id is in original ref return category.newinstance(category, ref.id); }) ); }更新文档
// category.sevice // id must be passed in category updatecategory(category: partial<icategory>): observable<icategory> { return from(updatedoc(doc(this.db, 'categories', category.id), category)).pipe( map(_ => { // response is void // why do we do this? because you never know in the future what other changes you might need to make before returning return category.newinstance(category); }) ); }这是概念的证明,有一些方法可以拧紧松动的末端,例如强迫id通过,检查不存在的文档,返回不同的数据形状等。
// categories/list.component update(category: icategory) { // gather field values const cat: partial<icategory> = this.ufg.value; // make sure the id is passed this.categoryservice.updatecategory({...cat, id: category.id}).subscribe({ next: (res) => { console.log(res); // this has the same category after update } }); }
// category.sevice deletecategory(id: string): observable<boolean> { return from(deletedoc(doc(this.db, 'categories', id))).pipe( // response is void, but we might want to differentiate failures later map(_ => true) ); }
// category/list.component delete(category: icategory) { this.categoryservice.deletecategory(category.id).subscribe({ next: (res) => { console.log('success!', res); } }); }
// where.model // the param fields object (yes its plural) export interface ifieldoptions { label?: string; // exmaple key?: string; // other example fields month?: date; recent?: boolean; maxprice?: number; } // map fields to where conditions of the proper firestore keys export const maplistoptions = (options?: ifieldoptions): iwhere[] => { let c: any[] = []; if (!options) return []; if (options.label) { // mapping label to name c.push({ fieldpath: 'name', opstr: '==', value: options.label }); } if(options.key) { c.push({ fieldpath: 'key', opstr: '==', value: options.key }); } // maxprice is a less than or equal operator if (options.maxprice) { c.push({ fieldpath: 'price', opstr: '<=', value: options.maxprice }); } if (options.month) { // to implement, push only data of the same month c.push(...mapmonth(options.month)); } if (options.recent) { const lastweek = new date(); lastweek.setdate(lastweek.getdate() - 7); // things that happened since last week: c.push({ fieldpath: 'date', opstr: '>=', value: lastweek }); } return c; }
// category.sevice // accept options of specific fields getcategories(params?: ifieldoptions): observable<icategory[]> { // translate fields to where: const _where: any[] = (mapfieldoptions(fieldoptions)) .map(n => where(n.fieldpath, n.opstr, n.value)); // pass the where to query const _query = query(collection(this.db, this._url), ..._where); // ... getdocs }这是如何以最高价格获取一组文档的示例:
// example usage
something$ = someservice.getlist({maxprice: 344});
这更有意义。我添加了一个日期示例,请注意,即使firestore日期为type tymestamp,在javascript日期上的操作正常。该示例的想法是说明组件不应该真正知道实现的详细信息,因此获得“最新文档”,例如应该像这样的>
// example something$ = someservice.getlist({recent: true});
另一个示例是获取日期,firestore直接处理javascript日期:// where.model
const mapmonth = (month: date): iwhere[] => {
const from = new date(month);
const to = new date(month);
from.sethours(0, 0, 0, 0);
to.setmonth(to.getmonth() + 1);
to.sethours(0, 0, 0, 0); // the edge of next month, is last day this month
let c: iwhere[] = [
{ fieldpath: 'date', opstr: '>=', value: from },
{ fieldpath: 'date', opstr: '<=', value: to }
return c;
// somemodel // use timestamp class to map from and to dates const jsdate = new date(); // adddoc with const newdata = { fbdate: timestamp.fromdate(jsdate) } // documentsnapshot returns data() with date field, the type is timestamp // use todate to convert to js date return data['fbdate'].todate();firestore lite
>构建块的确很小。我个人项目中减少的主要部分从502 kb下降到352 kb。
// http.service @injectable({ providedin: 'root' }) export class httpservice { public run(fn: observable<any>): observable<any> { // show loader here showloader(); // return function as is return fn .pipe( // hide loader finalize(() => hideloader()), // debug and catcherrors as well here ); } }
// category.service private httpservice = inject(httpservice); getcategories(params?: iwhere[]): observable<icategory[]> { // ... // wrap in run return this.httpservice.run(from(getdocs(q)).pipe( map((res: querysnapshot) => { return category.newinstances(res); }) )); }
// http.service // ... public run<t>(fn: observable<any>): observable<t> { // ... }
// category.service return this.httpService.run<ICategory[]>(from(getDocs(q)).pipe( map((res: QuerySnapshot) => { return Category.NewInstances(res); }) ));>查看我们先前使用状态管理创建的加载效果。我们需要的只是注入州服务,然后呼叫显示和隐藏。这使用了良好的ol'rxjs,我调查了信号,看不到它如何替换rxj,而不会造成大混乱。可能是一个罚款星期二。
stackblitz project
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