Golang 将 interface{} 转换为 struct
时间:2023-04-23 22:45:56 367浏览 收藏
学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思考!今天golang学习网小编就给大家带来《Golang 将 interface{} 转换为 struct》,以下内容主要包含golang等知识点,如果你正在学习或准备学习Golang,就都不要错过本文啦~让我们一起来看看吧,能帮助到你就更好了!
我想改进下面代码中的 getCustomerFromDTO 方法,我需要从 interface{} 创建一个结构,目前我需要将该接口编组为 byte[],然后将数组解组为我的结构 - 必须有更好的方法.
我的用例是我通过 rabbitmq 发送结构并发送它们,我使用这个通用的 DTO 包装器,它具有关于它们的附加域特定数据。当我从 rabbit mq 接收到 DTO 时,消息下方的一层将解组到我的 DTO,然后我需要从该 DTO 获取我的结构。
type Customer struct { Name string `json:"name"` } type UniversalDTO struct { Data interface{} `json:"data"` // more fields with important meta-data about the message... } func main() { // create a customer, add it to DTO object and marshal it customer := Customer{Name: "Ben"} dtoToSend := UniversalDTO{customer} byteData, _ := json.Marshal(dtoToSend) // unmarshal it (usually after receiving bytes from somewhere) receivedDTO := UniversalDTO{} json.Unmarshal(byteData, &receivedDTO) //Attempt to unmarshall our customer receivedCustomer := getCustomerFromDTO(receivedDTO.Data) fmt.Println(receivedCustomer) } func getCustomerFromDTO(data interface{}) Customer { customer := Customer{} bodyBytes, _ := json.Marshal(data) json.Unmarshal(bodyBytes, &customer) return customer }
在解组 DTO 之前,将该Data
type Customer struct { Name string `json:"name"` } type UniversalDTO struct { Data interface{} `json:"data"` // more fields with important meta-data about the message... } func main() { // create a customer, add it to DTO object and marshal it customer := Customer{Name: "Ben"} dtoToSend := UniversalDTO{customer} byteData, _ := json.Marshal(dtoToSend) // unmarshal it (usually after receiving bytes from somewhere) receivedCustomer := &Customer{} receivedDTO := UniversalDTO{Data: receivedCustomer} json.Unmarshal(byteData, &receivedDTO) //done fmt.Println(receivedCustomer) }
解组之前无法初始化 DTO 上的字段,则可以在解组之后使用类型断言。encoding/json
类型值打包到 a中map[string]interface{}
type Customer struct { Name string `json:"name"` } type UniversalDTO struct { Data interface{} `json:"data"` // more fields with important meta-data about the message... } func main() { // create a customer, add it to DTO object and marshal it customer := Customer{Name: "Ben"} dtoToSend := UniversalDTO{customer} byteData, _ := json.Marshal(dtoToSend) // unmarshal it (usually after receiving bytes from somewhere) receivedDTO := UniversalDTO{} json.Unmarshal(byteData, &receivedDTO) //Attempt to unmarshall our customer receivedCustomer := getCustomerFromDTO(receivedDTO.Data) fmt.Println(receivedCustomer) } func getCustomerFromDTO(data interface{}) Customer { m := data.(map[string]interface{}) customer := Customer{} if name, ok := m["name"].(string); ok { customer.Name = name } return customer }
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