Wrapper for arbitrary function in Go
时间:2023-04-14 06:57:29 341浏览 收藏
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Is it possible to create a wrapper for arbitrary function in Go that would take the same arguments and return the same value?
I'm not talking about the wrapper that would look exactly the same, it may look differently, but it should solve the problem.
For example the problem might be to create a wrapper of arbitrary function that first looks for the result of the function call in cache and only in case of cache miss executes the wrapped function.
The answer based on @joshlf13 idea and answer, but seems more simple to me. http://play.golang.org/p/v3zdMGfKy9
package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) type ( // Type of function being wrapped sumFuncT func(int, int) (int) // Type of the wrapper function wrappedSumFuncT func(sumFuncT, int, int) (int) ) // Wrapper of any function // First element of array is the function being wrapped // Other elements are arguments to the function func genericWrapper(in []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value { // this is the place to do something useful in the wrapper return in[0].Call(in[1:]) } // Creates wrapper function and sets it to the passed pointer to function func createWrapperFunction(function interface {}) { fn := reflect.ValueOf(function).Elem() v := reflect.MakeFunc(reflect.TypeOf(function).Elem(), genericWrapper) fn.Set(v) } func main() { var wrappedSumFunc wrappedSumFuncT createWrapperFunction(&wrappedSumFunc) // The function being wrapped itself sumFunc := func (a int, b int) int { return a + b } result := wrappedSumFunc(sumFunc, 1, 3) fmt.Printf("Result is %v", result) }
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