时间:2023-05-12 16:11:17 356浏览 收藏
CREATE TABLE images (imgname text, img bytea);
File file = new File("myimage.gif"); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO images VALUES (?, ?)"); ps.setString(1, file.getName()); ps.setBinaryStream(2, fis, file.length()); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); fis.close();
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT img FROM images WHERE imgname = ?"); ps.setString(1, "myimage.gif"); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs != null) { while (rs.next()) { byte[] imgBytes = rs.getBytes(1); // use the data in some way here } rs.close(); } ps.close();
Large Object
Large Object就可以存储大文件,存储的方式是在单独的一张表中存储大文件,然后通过oid在当前表中进行引用;下面通过一个例子来解释:
CREATE TABLE imageslo (imgname text, imgoid oid);
// All LargeObject API calls must be within a transaction block conn.setAutoCommit(false); // Get the Large Object Manager to perform operations with LargeObjectManager lobj = ((org.postgresql.PGConnection)conn).getLargeObjectAPI(); // Create a new large object int oid = lobj.create(LargeObjectManager.READ | LargeObjectManager.WRITE); // Open the large object for writing LargeObject obj = lobj.open(oid, LargeObjectManager.WRITE); // Now open the file File file = new File("myimage.gif"); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); // Copy the data from the file to the large object byte buf[] = new byte[2048]; int s, tl = 0; while ((s = fis.read(buf, 0, 2048)) > 0) { obj.write(buf, 0, s); tl += s; } // Close the large object obj.close(); // Now insert the row into imageslo PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO imageslo VALUES (?, ?)"); ps.setString(1, file.getName()); ps.setInt(2, oid); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); fis.close();
// All LargeObject API calls must be within a transaction block conn.setAutoCommit(false); // Get the Large Object Manager to perform operations with LargeObjectManager lobj = ((org.postgresql.PGConnection)conn).getLargeObjectAPI(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT imgoid FROM imageslo WHERE imgname = ?"); ps.setString(1, "myimage.gif"); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs != null) { while (rs.next()) { // Open the large object for reading int oid = rs.getInt(1); LargeObject obj = lobj.open(oid, LargeObjectManager.READ); // Read the data byte buf[] = new byte[obj.size()]; obj.read(buf, 0, obj.size()); // Do something with the data read here // Close the object obj.close(); } rs.close(); } ps.close();
需要注意的是,对于Large Object的操作都需要放在一个事务(Transaction)当中;如果要删除大文件所在行,在删除这行之后,还需要再执行删除大文件的操作
注:使用Large Object会有安全问题,连接到数据库的用户,即便没有包含大对象所在列的权限,也可以操作这个大对象
Beego orm如何存储图片
看完上面的postgres对于图片的存储,再来看下如何使用beego orm存储一张图片;在beego orm中支持了go的所有基础类型,但是不支持slice;所以,不能直接将[]byte映射到bytea字段上面
好在beego orm提供了一个Fielder接口,可以自定义类型,接口定义如下:
// Fielder define field info type Fielder interface { String() string FieldType() int SetRaw(interface{}) error RawValue() interface{} }
type ByteArrayField []byte // set value func (e *ByteArrayField) SetRaw(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { return nil } switch d := value.(type) { case []byte: *e = d case string: *e = []byte(d) default: return fmt.Errorf("[ByteArrayField] unsupported type") } return nil } func (e *ByteArrayField) RawValue() interface{} { return *e } // specified type func (f *ByteArrayField) FieldType() int { return orm.TypeTextField } func (f *ByteArrayField) String() string { return string(*f) }
type ImageModel struct{ ImageName string `orm:"column(image_name)"` ImageData ByteArrayField `orm:"column(image_data);type(bytea)"` }
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