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tinyint 1字节 (-128,127) (0,128) 小整数类型
smallint 2 字节 (-32 768,32 767) (0,65 535)
mediumint 3 字节 (-8 388 608,8 388 607) (0,16 777 215)
int/integer 4 字节
bigint 8字节 超大整数
float 4字节 单精度浮点数
double 8字节 双精度
decimal M+2 定点数
char 0-255字节 定长字符串
varchar 0-65535 字节 变长字符串
text 0-65 535字节 长文本数据
mediumtext 0-16 777 215字节 中等长度文本数据
longtext 0-4 294 967 295字节 极大文本数据
date 3字节 YYYY-MM-DD日期
time 3字节 HH:MM:SS
year 1字节 YYYY年
datetime 字节 YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
timestamp 4字节 YYYYMMDD HHMMSS
enum 65535个 枚举类型


+ - * / %取余
= !=  >=
between 1 and 10; 1到10包含两端
in (1,2,3,4,5) ;not in (1,2,3,4,5)
is null ; is not null
like "%" 匹配多个 ; like "_" 匹配一个
and or not


随机数 rand()
连接字符串 concat('中国','打日本')
转换小写 lcase('ABC') lower
转换大写 upper ucase
去除空格 trim(str)
curdate()+0  返回20160916
curdate()  2016-09-16
curtime() 21:53:23
now()  2019-07-10 21:52:23日期时间
unix_timestamp(now())  返回时间戳 1562767275
from_unixtime( 1539659520)   返回 2018-10-16 11:12:00 
 from_unixtime(1515980716, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S')  2018-01-15 09:45:16 格式化时间
date_format(now(), '%Y-%m-%d') 2018-01-15
date( now())  2019-07-10 提取日期
year('2019-7-10')  返回2019
 month('2016-04-28')  4
day(now()) 11 返回天
hour('2019-12-6 14:7:50')  14
minute('2019-12-6 14:7:50') 7
second('2019-12-6 14:7:50')  50
last_day('2019-12-6 14:7:50')  2019-12-31 给定日期最后一天
quarter('2016-04-28')  2 季度,1,2,3,4
dayofweek('2019-7-10')  返回4  星期三 -1
weekday('2019-7-10')  返回2  星期三+1
dayofyear('2019-7-10') 返回今天是191天
to_days('2019-12-6 14:7:50')  737764计算日期 d 距离 0000 年 1 月 1 日的天数
from_days(733627) 2008-08-08 同上相反
day(last_day(now())) 返回本月天数
date_add('2019-12-6 14:7:50',INTERVAL 1 day) +1天
date_sub('2019-12-6 14:7:50',INTERVAL 1 day) -1天
timestamp('2008-08-08') 2008-08-08 00:00:00
avg(col) 平均值
count(*) 记录数
min(col) max(col)最小 最大值


set names utf8; 设置编码
select * from biao 基本查询
select distinct id from biao 结果字段不重复
select  * from biao order by id desc ,time asc; 升序降序
select  * from biao group by sex having;  分组筛选
select  * from biao limit 4 返回4条
select  * from biao 4,3   返回3条,从第5条记录开始
select a,b,c from A inner join B on A.id = B.id; 内连接
select a,b,c from A,B where A.id=B.id;内连接
select * from A left join B on   A.id=B.id; 左连接
select * from A right join B on   A.id=B.id;右连接
select id from Table where id2 in(select id3 from Table2) 子查询
select id from Table where  find_in_set(type,"ssq,sd,pls")  查询分类
select   id as ID from A as a  别名
select * from A union all select * from B 合并结果集
select * from A union select * from B 去重复
SELECT id,title FROM article WHERE id$id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1 下一篇
select count(distinct openid) as total from TB 统计记录去重复


select * from list where to_days(FROM_UNIXTIME(createtime))=to_days(now()) 今天
where to_days(now())-to_days(FROM_UNIXTIME(createtime))= t2.id ORDER BY t1.id ASC LIMIT 2;连续的id高效率

SELECT * FROM user WHERE id >= ((SELECT MAX(id) FROM user)-(SELECT MIN(id) FROM user)) * RAND() + (SELECT MIN(id) FROM user) limit 2; 随机id不连续

select * from user where id7 limit 1;  下一条


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