ISSS615 Data Management
时间:2023-02-24 15:20:25 340浏览 收藏
数据库小白一枚,正在不断学习积累知识,现将学习到的知识记录一下,也是将我的所得分享给大家!而今天这篇文章《ISSS615 Data Management》带大家来了解一下ISSS615 Data Management,希望对大家的知识积累有所帮助,从而弥补自己的不足,助力实战开发!
ISSS615 Data Management
PHP_LAB1.doc page 1 of 4
SMU Classification: Restricted
PHP Lab 1
The objective is to help the students to get hands on writing PHP code. In this lab
exercise, you will create PHP pages based on the requirements specified.
- WAMP Server is installed and the icon is ‘Green’ in colour.
Please submit all your answers in a single file containing the following to eLearn
(online) by the end of the class - Exercise1.php,
- Exercise2.php,
- ex1form.html and ex1result.php
ex3form.html and ex3result.php
ISSS615 Data Management
PHP_LAB1.doc page 2 of 4
SMU Classification: Restricted
PART 1: Write basic PHP syntax codes
Exercise 1
Using php WHILE construct and IF-ELSE statement, write a program to display the count
of lowercase letter 'a' appearing in the text string "Data Management". Also display total
number of letters that are not 'a' in the same text string.
Save the file as Exercise1.php
Note: You could make use of the functions strlen and substr for this exercise.
Exercise 2
Write php program to calculate the cumulative sum of numbers from 1 to 10.
Display the result in a table format. Save the file as Exercise2.php
Note: Example of a Table html script that produces a table with 2 rows, a header row and
a content / data rowHeader 1 Header 2 Column 1 Column 2
ISSS615 Data Management
PHP_LAB1.doc page 3 of 4
SMU Classification: Restricted
PART 2: Write PHP code for processing HTML Form data- Open a text editor, write the following code, and save the file as ex1form.html
A simple form - Open a new page on the text editor, write the following code and save the file as
ex1result.phpprint "Hi $_POST[fullname]. Welcome to PHP lab1 !
";> - In Internet Explorer/, enter http://localhost/PHPLab1/ex1form.html in the address bar.
You should see an output as follows - When you enter your name and click on the send button, the following output is
ISSS615 Data Management
PHP_LAB1.doc page 4 of 4
SMU Classification: Restricted
Exercise 3
Add Gender Identification to the PHP code for processing HTML Form data
Your task is to modify the ex1form.html to include a dropdown box to allow user to select
a gender. Depending on the selected gender, you should print either “Miss” or “Mr”
Hint: - Modify ex1form.html to include another input element, a dropdown box named
gender (Male & Female).
Save the modified file as Exercise3Form.html. - Modify the PHP page (ex1result.php) so that it handles the gender information sent
over by the client and save the modified file as Exercise3Result.php.
If Female is selected, the following output is observed.
If Male is selected in the select dropdown list, the following output is observed.End of PHP Lab 1
- Open a text editor, write the following code, and save the file as ex1form.html
终于介绍完啦!小伙伴们,这篇关于《ISSS615 Data Management》的介绍应该让你收获多多了吧!欢迎大家收藏或分享给更多需要学习的朋友吧~golang学习网公众号也会发布数据库相关知识,快来关注吧!
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- 眼睛大的黄豆
- 这篇技术贴出现的刚刚好,太细致了,感谢大佬分享,码住,关注师傅了!希望师傅能多写数据库相关的文章。
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- 完美的黑米
- 真优秀,一直没懂这个问题,但其实工作中常常有遇到...不过今天到这,帮助很大,总算是懂了,感谢师傅分享技术文章!
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- 这篇技术文章真是及时雨啊,博主加油!
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- 太详细了,mark,感谢大佬的这篇技术文章,我会继续支持!
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- 阳光的睫毛膏
- 感谢大佬分享,一直没懂这个问题,但其实工作中常常有遇到...不过今天到这,看完之后很有帮助,总算是懂了,感谢师傅分享技术贴!
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- 这篇博文真是及时雨啊,细节满满,很有用,mark,关注up主了!希望up主能多写数据库相关的文章。
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- 很棒,一直没懂这个问题,但其实工作中常常有遇到...不过今天到这,帮助很大,总算是懂了,感谢博主分享技术贴!
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- 威武的飞鸟
- 这篇技术贴真是及时雨啊,好细啊,太给力了,收藏了,关注博主了!希望博主能多写数据库相关的文章。
- 2023-03-01 04:56:07
- 寂寞的黑米
- 太细致了,收藏了,感谢师傅的这篇文章内容,我会继续支持!
- 2023-02-27 01:44:45