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public class BootstrapController extends RunLoopProcess { static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BootstrapController.class); private final long MAX_TX_ELEMENTS = 10000; private final ConnectionPool maxwellConnectionPool; private final SynchronousBootstrapper bootstrapper; private final AbstractProducer producer; private final String clientID; private final boolean syncMode; private Long currentSchemaID; public BootstrapController( ConnectionPool maxwellConnectionPool, AbstractProducer producer, SynchronousBootstrapper bootstrapper, String clientID, boolean syncMode, Long currentSchemaID ) { this.maxwellConnectionPool = maxwellConnectionPool; this.producer = producer; this.bootstrapper = bootstrapper; this.clientID = clientID; this.syncMode = syncMode; this.currentSchemaID = currentSchemaID; } // this mutex is used to block rows from being produced while a "synchronous" // bootstrap is run private Object bootstrapMutex = new Object(); // this one is used to protect against races in an async producer. private Object completionMutex = new Object(); private BootstrapTask activeTask; private RowMapBuffer skippedRows = new RowMapBuffer(MAX_TX_ELEMENTS); @Override protected void work() throws Exception { try { doWork(); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { } catch ( SQLException e ) { LOGGER.error("got SQLException trying to bootstrap", e); } } private void doWork() throws Exception { Listtasks = getIncompleteTasks(); synchronized(bootstrapMutex) { for ( BootstrapTask task : tasks ) { LOGGER.debug("starting bootstrap task: {}", task.logString()); synchronized(completionMutex) { activeTask = task; } bootstrapper.startBootstrap(task, producer, getCurrentSchemaID()); synchronized(completionMutex) { pushSkippedRows(); activeTask = null; } } } Thread.sleep(1000); } private synchronized Long getCurrentSchemaID() { return this.currentSchemaID; } public synchronized void setCurrentSchemaID(long schemaID) { this.currentSchemaID = schemaID; } private List getIncompleteTasks() throws SQLException { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); try ( Connection cx = maxwellConnectionPool.getConnection() ) { PreparedStatement s = cx.prepareStatement("select * from bootstrap where is_complete = 0 and client_id = ? order by id"); s.setString(1, this.clientID); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { list.add(BootstrapTask.valueOf(rs)); } } return list; } public boolean shouldSkip(RowMap row) throws IOException { // The main replication thread skips rows of the currently bootstrapped // table and the tables that are queued for bootstrap. The bootstrap thread replays them at // the end of the bootstrap. if ( syncMode ) synchronized(bootstrapMutex) { return false; } else { synchronized (completionMutex) { if (activeTask == null) return false; // async mode with an active task if (activeTask.matches(row)) { skippedRows.add(row); return true; } else return false; } } } private void pushSkippedRows() throws Exception { skippedRows.flushToDisk(); while ( skippedRows.size() > 0 ) { RowMap row = skippedRows.removeFirst(); producer.push(row); } } }
- BootstrapController继承了RunLoopProcess,其work方法执行doWork方法;其doWork方法通过getIncompleteTasks获取tasks,然后遍历task挨个执行bootstrapper.startBootstrap(task, producer, getCurrentSchemaID())及pushSkippedRows方法;getIncompleteTasks从数据库中查询bootstrap表中is_complete为0的指定client_id的记录;pushSkippedRows方法先执行skippedRows.flushToDisk(),然后遍历移除并执行producer.push(row)
public class SynchronousBootstrapper { static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SynchronousBootstrapper.class); private static final long INSERTED_ROWS_UPDATE_PERIOD_MILLIS = 250; private final MaxwellContext context; private long lastInsertedRowsUpdateTimeMillis = 0; public SynchronousBootstrapper(MaxwellContext context) { this.context = context; } public void startBootstrap(BootstrapTask task, AbstractProducer producer, Long currentSchemaID) throws Exception { performBootstrap(task, producer, currentSchemaID); completeBootstrap(task, producer); } private Schema captureSchemaForBootstrap(BootstrapTask task) throws SQLException { try ( Connection cx = getConnection(task.database) ) { CaseSensitivity s = MaxwellMysqlStatus.captureCaseSensitivity(cx); SchemaCapturer c = new SchemaCapturer(cx, s, task.database, task.table); return c.capture(); } } public void performBootstrap(BootstrapTask task, AbstractProducer producer, Long currentSchemaID) throws Exception { LOGGER.debug("bootstrapping requested for " + task.logString()); Schema schema = captureSchemaForBootstrap(task); Database database = findDatabase(schema, task.database); Table table = findTable(task.table, database); producer.push(bootstrapStartRowMap(task, table)); LOGGER.info(String.format("bootstrapping started for %s.%s", task.database, task.table)); try ( Connection streamingConnection = getStreamingConnection(task.database)) { setBootstrapRowToStarted(task.id); ResultSet resultSet = getAllRows(task.database, task.table, table, task.whereClause, streamingConnection); int insertedRows = 0; lastInsertedRowsUpdateTimeMillis = 0; // ensure updateInsertedRowsColumn is called at least once while ( resultSet.next() ) { RowMap row = bootstrapEventRowMap("bootstrap-insert", table.database, table.name, table.getPKList(), task.comment); setRowValues(row, resultSet, table); row.setSchemaId(currentSchemaID); Scripting scripting = context.getConfig().scripting; if ( scripting != null ) scripting.invoke(row); if ( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() ) LOGGER.debug("bootstrapping row : " + row.toJSON()); producer.push(row); Thread.sleep(1); ++insertedRows; updateInsertedRowsColumn(insertedRows, task.id); } setBootstrapRowToCompleted(insertedRows, task.id); } catch ( NoSuchElementException e ) { LOGGER.info("bootstrapping aborted for " + task.logString()); } } public void completeBootstrap(BootstrapTask task, AbstractProducer producer) throws Exception { producer.push(bootstrapEventRowMap("bootstrap-complete", task.database, task.table, new ArrayList(), task.comment)); LOGGER.info("bootstrapping ended for " + task.logString()); } //...... }
- SynchronousBootstrapper的startBootstrap方法执行performBootstrap及completeBootstrap方法;其中performBootstrap方法执行producer.push(bootstrapStartRowMap(task, table)),之后根据task指定的数据库、表及条件查询记录,然后遍历结果集producer.push(row);completeBootstrap方法执行producer.push(bootstrapEventRowMap("bootstrap-complete", task.database, task.table, new ArrayList(), task.comment))
BootstrapController继承了RunLoopProcess,其work方法执行doWork方法;其doWork方法通过getIncompleteTasks获取tasks,然后遍历task挨个执行bootstrapper.startBootstrap(task, producer, getCurrentSchemaID())及pushSkippedRows方法;getIncompleteTasks从数据库中查询bootstrap表中is_complete为0的指定client_id的记录;pushSkippedRows方法先执行skippedRows.flushToDisk(),然后遍历移除并执行producer.push(row)
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